Interesting debate on parenting with attachment in La 2

For All 2 - Debate: Parenting with attachment: does it produce more empathic and disciplined adults?

  • For All 2 - Debate: Parenting with attachment: does it produce more empathic and disciplined adults?

Attachment-based parenting, based on John Bowlby's theory of attachment, is an increasingly practiced style of parenting in the world, to the point that he has been talking about it in the media for some time.

A couple of days ago it was possible to see in La 2, during low audience hours (and in a low audience channel too, what are we going to cheat for) a interesting debate about parenting with attachment in which we could see Carlos González, Maria Luisa Ferrerós and Elena Mayorga.

As is often the case with things that are different, and especially when we talk about acting styles, ways of doing and customs, acceptance is slow and difficult, because there are many beliefs and many acts that must be demolished or eliminated before position new ways of doing and thinking.

It is for this reason that treating children with respect, following the recommendations of attachment theory, who do not seek anything other than doing what is possible to create a solid and firm bond with the child, full of affection, understanding and time to do of our children people who can treat others also with love, understanding and respect, can be a style or philosophy of life that still has detractors.

It is logical, because a society does not change overnight, much less if you do not try too hard to inform yourself, learn and evolve, although it is also true that many speeches that a few years ago seemed immovable are now softening a bit and a good example are the interventions of Mª Luisa Ferrerós in the debate, that a few years ago they amounted to the most authoritarian voices of education, but now they admit many of the benefits of raising children in this way (although they still need to continue evolving to leave behind the vision that adults should continue to punish or that we should limit almost fiercely and perhaps arbitrarily to children so that they do not "slip" from our hands)

Many of the things they talk about in the debate have already been discussed in Babies and more (and some recently), so I'm not going to extend explaining the content, because I don't want to be repetitive. I prefer that you see it yourself and if from the viewing the debate arises in the comments, we talk about it (and with pleasure).

Video: Audience Response to Attachment Parenting (July 2024).