Celiac disease in children: symptoms and the importance of early detection

Today the National Celiac Day is commemorated in Spain, a date proposed by the Federation of Celiac Associations of Spain (FACE) to give visibility and support to the Celiac collective, while seeking to raise awareness of all sectors of society.

According to SEGHNP, it is estimated that Celiac disease affects one in 71 children in Spain and can occur at any age, both in babies when introducing complementary feeding, as in children and adolescents. Today we are going to review what are the symptoms of celiac disease in childhood and why an early diagnosis is important.

What is celiac disease?

Strictly speaking, celiac disease is not achieved intolerance or allergy, but an autoimmune disease (that is, an immune response against the body itself) caused by exposure to gluten proteins, present in certain cereals.

On the contrary, allergy is an immunological reaction, while intolerance refers to the difficulty of digesting certain foods.

Symptoms of celiac disease in children

Most people with celiac disease manifest one or more symptoms, although there are also asymptomatic people who do not have any discomfort. Celiac disease not only affects the digestive system, but to any other organ of the human body, such as the skin, bones or the neurological system, for example.

Among the most notable symptoms in children and adolescents are:

  • In the childhood: chronic diarrhea, loss of appetite, bloating (bloated gut), weight loss, gas, stunted growth and short stature, anemia, irritability, sadness, fatty and smelly stools.

  • In adolescence in addition: mood swings or feelings of discomfort or restlessness, stunted growth, permanent tooth enamel damage, pubertal delay and menstrual irregularities.

How celiac disease is diagnosed

When there is suspicion of celiac disease the diagnosis is made by a blood test which includes the detection of antibodies characteristic of celiac disease. If this test is positive, the symptoms are very evident and there is also genetics compatible with celiac disease, many experts recommend avoiding biopsy in children because of the invasive results.

But nevertheless, The most reliable test to detect celiac disease is duodenal biopsy, and in some cases it is necessary to perform it. The biopsy consists of obtaining a small sample of the surface of the intestine to be able to study it under a microscope.

Three years ago we also informed you of a detection technique developed by scientists from the University of Granada, consisting of a quick finger prick.

In Babies and more Gluten Sensitivity: when tests are negative but gluten feels bad

According to FACE, 75% of celiac people would be undiagnosed due especially to the fact that the symptoms can be confused with other types of pathologies. This occurs especially in childhood, which leads families to travel a long way to reach the diagnosis.

That is why the implementation of an early diagnosis protocol is so important that it reduces the uncertainty time and a treatment that improves the patient's quality of life can be started as soon as possible.

Risk factors for celiac disease

Celiac disease is not hereditary, but it is there is a genetic predisposition to suffer it. The probability of developing celiac disease is one in ten for children with a first-degree relative diagnosed.

Therefore, once the diagnosis is confirmed, it is advisable to assess whether the rest of close relatives (siblings, parents and children) may also be affected by the disease.

In Babies and more Breastfeeding and giving gluten in small amounts do not reduce the risk of being celiac

They are also among the risk groups with the greatest predisposition to celiac disease: people with type 1 diabetes, Turner syndrome, Down syndrome, autoimmune thyroid disease, Williams syndrome and autoimmune liver disease.

Does celiac disease have a cure?

Do not, celiac disease has no cure, but with a gluten-free diet the symptoms disappear and with it the associated problems.

However, research on the disease continues to progress and to this day we know that we are working on a future vaccine that would aim to restore the ability to tolerate gluten by the immune system. At the moment, the vaccine is in the test phase.

The diet of the child with celiac disease

If your child has just been diagnosed with celiac disease, the specialist will inform you about the steps to follow and the changes you must make in your diet, as of this moment you will not be able to consume any product with gluten.

But it is very important that the exclusion diet is advised by a specialistWell, there are parents who make this decision on their own initiative, without knowing if their children are really celiac. Gluten is not an indispensable protein for health, but eliminating it without medical indication can lead to certain problems.

Gluten is a protein present in wheat, rye, barley, triticale, spelled and some varieties of oats, as well as their hybrids and derivatives.

There are several products that carry gluten in their composition, so it is essential to carefully review the labeling and in case of doubt consult the manufacturer. It is also important to know that there are certain legends that manufacturers introduce in the packaging of their products that do not guarantee the total absence of gluten. The crossed out spike inside a circle and the "Controlled by FACE" mark are international guarantee symbols to consider them safe for celiacs.

Likewise, attention should be paid to certain non-food products, as they can also cause damage to people with celiac disease.

It is very important to read the labeling before offering a product to a child with celiac disease. Via celiacos.org

Other recommendations of the FACE for the diet of the celiac group are:

  • Warn the school about the child's celiac disease and make sure they offer an alternative and suitable menu for him in the dining room.

  • Avoid bulk products, due to the risk of cross contamination.

  • Prefer to natural products or gluten-free generics by nature.

  • Extreme the caution with food handling, the use of kitchen utensils and the use of the same oil to cook products with gluten and products without gluten. All these practices carry risk for celiac people.

  • In those houses where there is a member of the celiac family, it is advisable to avoid wheat flour and breadcrumbs with gluten, and use instead gluten-free flour and / or breadcrumbs, mashed potato flakes to batter, breach or thicken sauces. In this way the cooked foods can be consumed by all family members and accidents by accidental intake will be avoided.

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Caution with certain medications

It is also important to know that certain medications and food supplements may contain gluten that harm celiac people. Therefore it is recommended that all medications be purchased under medical prescription and ask at the pharmacy in case of doubt.


Video: My Child Might Have Celiac Disease. . Now What? (May 2024).