101 boy names that start with the letter D

Choose baby's name It is one of the most exciting moments that parents live, although the choice is not always easy and fast. Some prefer short names, while others bet on compounds. The animal kingdom, the sea or well-known writers and artists can also be an excellent source of inspiration.

When choosing a name, there are families who have a predilection for a specific sound, or even looking for names of all your children begin with the same letter. So today we will continue with our series of names from A to Z, proposing 101 child names that begin with D, so you can choose the one you like best.

  • Dabir: name of Persian origin that means “teacher”.

  • Dadaist: mixed name of Nigerian origin whose literal meaning is "man with frizzy hair".

  • Dago: name of Germanic origin, variant of Diego.

  • Dagoberto: name of Germanic origin, which means "he who shines like the sun".

  • Dagomar or Dagmar: unisex Danish name meaning "bright", "illustrious".

  • Dakarai: name of Egyptian origin meaning "happy man".

  • Daksh: name of Hindu origin meaning "competent".

  • Daleth: name of Hebrew origin of unknown meaning.

  • Dalmatian: name of Latin origin, whose etymological meaning could be interpreted as "born in Dalmatia".

  • Dalmar: name of African origin and mixed use, which translates as "noble."

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  • Dalmiro: name of Germanic origin that means "illustrious by its nobility".

  • Dalton: Anglo-Saxon origin name meaning "city of the valley".

  • Damaso: name of Greek origin, whose meaning is "tamer".

  • Damien: name of Greek origin meaning "submit". In the saints, San Damián is the patron of doctors and pharmacists, along with San Cosme, his twin brother. His holiday is celebrated on September 26.

  • Damocles: name of Greek origin that could be translated as "glory of his people".

  • Dan: name of Hebrew origin. It means "justice."

  • Dandre: name of French origin, derived from Andre. It means "brave."

  • Daniel: name of Hebrew origin that means "God is my judge". In most English countries, this name is interpreted as Dannis, but the etymology is the same.

  • Danilio: name of Hebrew origin and servo-Croatian variant of Daniel.

  • Danso: name of African origin meaning "reliable man".

  • Dante: name of Latin origin that means "durable and firm".

  • Darcy: name with two possible origins, Galeic and French, and its translation would be "dark".

  • Dart: name of Germanic origin, variant of Eduardo, which means "skillful and bold man".

  • Dareh: name of Armenian origin meaning "rich".

  • Daren: It has several etymological origins (African, Celtic and English). Its meaning is "born at night."

  • Darey: name of English origin, meaning "small person".

  • Dariel: name of Hebrew origin that means "lion of God".

  • Darien: name of Greek origin that means "gift".

  • Darius: its origin is uncertain, although a Greek or Persian origin is usually attributed. Its meaning is "he who owns goods."

  • Darshan: name of Hindu origin meaning "vision."

  • Dashiell: name of French origin that means "coming from Chiel".

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  • Darwin: name of English origin that means "dear friend".

  • Darwishi: name of Egyptian origin that means "blessed by God."

  • Daryl: name of English origin that could have two meanings: "made with love" or "from Ariel" (city of Israel). It is a name that has become fashionable in recent years, thanks to a television series where one of its protagonists bears this name.

  • Davet: name with two possible etymological origins, French and Dutch. Its meaning is "he who is loved."

  • David: name of Hebrew origin that means "the one loved by God". It is a very popular name in various parts of the world.

  • Davis: name of English origin variant of David.

  • Dawit: name of African origin meaning "beloved".

  • Dayaram: name of Hindu origin that means "satisfied for being compassionate".

  • Dayro: name of Cuban origin and of unknown meaning.

  • Dean: name of French origin that means "leader".

  • Dee: name of Welsh origin and mixed use meaning "darkness".

  • Deian: name of Welsh origin variant of David.

  • Dekel: Hebrew name meaning "palm tree".

  • Dolphin: name of Greek origin that refers to the city of Delphi, and that could be interpreted as "uterus".

  • From sea: name of French origin that means "sailor".

  • Denzel: name of English origin meaning "strength".

  • Delvin: name of Irish origin that means "good friend".

  • Demeter: name of Greek origin, variant of Demetrio.

  • Demetrio: name of Greek origin that means "earth lover".

  • Democritus: name of Greek origin that means "man who judges the people".

  • Demosthenes: name of Greek origin that means "the strength of the people".

  • Denis: name of French origin that means "God of the wind".

  • Deodato: name of Latin origin that means "the man who serves God".

  • Derek: name of Germanic origin meaning "chief of the tribe".

  • Derian: Anglo-Saxon name of origin that means "that damages".

  • Desideiro or Desi: name of Latin origin that means "out of the stars".

  • Dismantling: Anglo-Saxon name whose meaning is "the defender".

  • Devin: name of Irish origin that translates as "the poet".

  • Devak: name of Hindu origin meaning "God".

  • Devmani: name of Hindu origin whose meaning is "jewel".

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  • Devraj: name of Hindu origin whose meaning is "chief of the gods".

  • Dexter: name of French origin meaning "lucky man".

  • Dhara: name of Sanskrit origin meaning "flow".

  • Day: name of African origin that means "champion".

  • Diara: name of African origin that means "gift".

  • Didac: name from the Greek "didachós" which means "instructed". It is very popular in Catalonia.

  • Didier: It has two possible etymological origins. If we pay attention to its French origin, it is interpreted as "out of the stars" and according to its origin in Latin, it would mean "the man who is desired."

  • Diego: name of Greek origin, evolution of the name of Diago, which means "doctrine".

  • Dimas: name of Latin origin that means "seeker of God".

  • Dimitri: name of Russian origin, variant of Demetrio, which means "lover of the earth".

  • Dino: name of Hebrew origin meaning "judge." In Teutonic countries, it is used as a diminutive of other names such as Conradino, Ricardino or Bernardino.

  • Dionisio: name of Greek origin composed of the voices "Dion" (Zeus) and "nys" (son), which means "son of Zeus".

  • Diocese: name of Greek origin meaning "son of Jupiter".

  • Djoser: name of Egyptian origin that means "the saint".

  • Home: name of Greek origin that means "the lover of his house".

  • Sunday: name of Latin origin that means "consecrated to God".

  • Dominican: name of Latin origin relative to the family of Dommo or Mr. Traditionally it was given to families born on Sunday.

  • Dominik: name of German origin from the Latin "Dominicus", which means "of God".

  • Donaldo: name of Celtic origin that means "brave driver of his people".

  • Donagh: name of English origin whose literal meaning is "brown-haired warrior".

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  • Donatello: name of Italian origin variant of Donato.

  • Donatien: name of French origin that means "gift".

  • Donato: name of Latin origin, related to the Greek "Theodore", and which means "God among Christians" or "gift of God".

  • Dong: name of Vietnamese origin meaning "oriental".

  • Donkor: name of Egyptian origin that means "humble man".

  • Donovan: name of Irish origin that means "dark man".

  • Dorien: name of Greek origin that means "gift".

  • Doroteo: name of Greek origin that derives from "Theodore" and means "gift of God".

  • Douglas: name of Scottish origin meaning "dark river".

  • Duc: name of Vietnamese origin meaning "virtuous".

  • Duilio: name of Latin origin that means "brave warrior".

  • Duayne or Duane: name of Irish origin that means "darkness."

  • Dudek: name of Czech origin meaning "piper".

  • Duman: name of Turkish origin that means "nebulous".

  • Dumi: name of African origin and unisex use, which means "the inspirer".

  • Duncan: name with two possible etymological origins, Gallic and Scottish. It translates as "dark warrior".

  • Dune: name of Duncan diminutive Scottish origin.

  • Dustin: name of Germanic origin meaning "valuable warrior".

  • Dyami: name of American that translates as "eagle".

  • Dylan: name of Welsh origin meaning "sea".

More baby names from A to Z

  • Girl names that begin with the letter A

  • Child names that begin with the letter A

  • Girl names that begin with the letter B

  • Child names that begin with the letter B

  • Girl names that begin with the letter C

  • Child names that begin with the letter C

  • 101 girl names that start with the letter D

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Video: Baby Boy Names Starting With Letter " A " (July 2024).