The Bible for children online

In the middle of Holy Week many families will have encountered questions from the little ones. It is not surprising, before the avalanche of biblical cinema or before processions, that children make the most varied questions. If you want to initiate your children in the Christian religion, there is a Bible for children online that you can consult, read or print.

The truth is that, given the literary and complicated nature of the Bible, the adaptations are innumerable and for diverse audiences, so that the children were not going to be less. It is normal that a text that shows episodes of eroticism or violence needs to adapt to children, despite distorting their origin.

In Bible for children we find different biblical passages adapted to the smallest. There is a division between the stories of the Old Testament and those of the New Testament, with the most important episodes, parables and characters, since the creation of the world. Each passage has its bibliographic reference (the book, chapter and verse).

It’s interesting that, from each episode, we can consult or read different versions of the Bible for children, even for coloring:

  • The story: in simple texts illustrated with full-color drawings that represent the thread of the story.
  • Coloring: the previous version, but in black and white, with illustrations to color.
  • Bulleted version for coloring.
  • For PDA, in color and with the largest texts.
  • In booklet, reduced format of the bulleted version, which occupy two flat (only some passages).
  • In a coloring booklet (only some passages).
  • External link to the original text of the Bible, in English.

In short, if you want your children to understand what the biblical texts tell, the Bible for children online in Bible for children It offers multiple possibilities for them to begin in the Christian religion and surely their curiosity is still alive to understand what is intended to be explained in those texts, although sometimes their meaning is simplified.

Official Site | Bible for children In Babies and more | Ingenious phrases of children: letters to Jesus, Names for babies: characters from the Bible, The Church claims the "Christian names" for babies

Video: Bible stories for children # 1 (May 2024).