Family classroom, support and advice for families

Today I present this very interesting project of advice and support for parents: Family Classroom. It is made up of a psychologist and two doulas specializing in family care and support and aims to be of help to families in different situations.

Family classroom It aims to be something different from a parent school, as it is a space for thought, reflection and growth for the benefit of parents and children. It works in the form of teaching workshops and its purpose to improve the quality of the relationships of all family members, whether large or small.

It aims to reach families in their own environment, in his own house. Home assistance allows, on the one hand, greater comfort for fathers and mothers and seeks to adjust the contents of the workshops to the specific requirements of the participants and the establishment of a dynamic and quality work relationship: making necessary breaks, reviewing content, answering questions and thinking together about the issues to be addressed.

Offer different services: parent school, family orientation, preparation for delivery and postpartum, private assistance in situations of neonatal hospital admission and conference cycles. I loved the project and its design. I think it can be very useful.

Official site | Family Classroom

Video: Autism in the Classroom- Why Behaviors Happen (July 2024).