Benefit per child or dependent child

At the time, with the fury of the fresh news we have talked extensively about the provision of 2,500 euros granted by the government by birth or adoption since last year. We also know the help of 100 euros per child for working mothers.

Although less media, the benefit per child or dependent child It is an older help that many people are not sure if they have the right to request it or where to do it.

Although the amount is light years from the aid granted in other European countries, they are not to be disregarded, and hopefully, we will have a rise, as they study expanding them. The amount per child under 3 years is 500 euros per year and 291 euros between 3 and 18 years, a figure that increases if the child has a disability.

Similarly, the autonomous communities grant their own aid, some more substantial than in others. In Extremadura, for example, children under 1 year are granted up to 300 euros per month.

But not all families can access these grants. The condition is not to exceed an amount of maximum annual income, which is higher in the case of being a large family or with a disabled child in charge. Reference tables according to annual income can be found on the official Social Security website.

An interesting issue that not everyone knows is that even if the benefit has been denied on occasion, in the event that the income has varied, it can be requested again.

Fully defined, since it needs light for the pigments to finish, your baby already has eyelashes and can open and close the eyes. His ear continues to develop rapidly and he can perceive sounds from outside as well as those he produces when moving in your uterus. This week, the blood vessels in your lungs begin to develop and your bones will begin to ossify and become harder. Your heart beats very fast between 120 and 160 beats per minute. 👉 Every day we bring you a new week of baby pregnancy. If you want to know more about the 25th week of pregnancy, click on the link of our bio. 👶 Follow us on @ bebesymas ... # 40semanasembarazoBYM #embarazo # week25embarazo # gestation #semanasembarazo #embarazada ">

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