Discomfort in pregnancy: constipation and hemorrhoids

In our pregnancy special we are taking a tour of the most frequent discomforts that future moms suffer. Among them are constipation and / or hemorrhoids, suffered by a high percentage of pregnant women, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.

The cause of these discomforts is the increase in blood volume that occurs in the area of ​​the uterus, with the consequent increase in pressure on the legs and veins of the pelvis.

With respect to constipation, increased pressure on the rectum and the intestines can interfere with digestion and the rate of evacuation, slowing down these processes. Also the increase in hormones makes bowel movements slower. As the intestines are very close to the uterus, it is a natural protection mechanism because their movements could impair the growth of the fetus.

The key to preventing constipation is proper exercise and good nutrition, varied and rich in water and fiber. We have already seen some natural remedies to relieve constipation. A lot of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, in addition to regular gentle exercise will help mitigate the discomfort or prevent its appearance.

As for hemorrhoids, they are a medical condition largely associated with constipation. Hemorrhoids are a dilation of the veins which is caused by a weakness in the muscular wall of the anal region, they are very annoying and even painful. Varicose veins (swollen veins) that appear in the rectum, sometimes leave the anal opening, and can cause itching and / or pain, even in some cases they may bleed.

Constipation causes blood vessels to not empty normally, so the pressure in these vessels increases, with hemorrhoids. A major effort to defecate It also causes this swelling in the area of ​​the rectum. Apart from this, it is added that, when pregnancy is advanced, the increase in pressure on the rectum and perineum, in addition to constipation, favors dilation of the veins of the intestine.

Hemorrhoids can be very annoying and painful, even prevent us from walking normally, so we must influence their prevention, following all the advice we have given to avoid constipation. Nor should efforts be made that involve the abdominal muscles, nor sit too long or stand up.

If hemorrhoids have already appeared, there are some tricks to relieve discomfort. Some women will be relieved of warm sitz baths, although it is usual for cold water (even ice wrapped in a cloth applied to the area at small intervals) to relieve pain and reduce swelling. After bathing, the area must be gently dried, because moisture can irritate it more.

Do not postpone the evacuation, going to the bathroom as soon as you feel like defecating. Once the feces are expelled, you should choose a soft toilet paper or even disposable wet wipes so as not to alter the painful area anymore.

Afterwards, it is good to wash the anus again with a sitz bath so that there are no leftovers left that can increase the itching.

He moderate exercise It can also help hemorrhoids shrink. Facilitate blood circulation by circular movements of the pelvis or lying sideways and lifting each leg several times, alternatively, as a scissor, can relieve pressure in the area and help better blood circulation.

Necessary go to the doctor if we do not feel any improvement with these methods, if the hemorrhoids bleed or are so swollen that they prevent us from performing our routine tasks. There are some ointments to relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, although you should consult with your doctor before applying any, since not all of them are suitable because they contain components that could be harmful for women in condition.

Fortunately, these discomforts usually disappear after childbirth, although occasionally and after the effort of expulsion the hemorrhoids get worse (there are women who appear at the time of delivery) and it takes a few months to recover. Also in the postpartum period it is important to follow the diet and exercise recommendations.

Video: Hemorrhoids. Piles. How To Get Rid Of Hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids Treatment (July 2024).