What madness! Her son no longer wants me to hug him and she weaves an achuchable version of him

I have no doubt that when a mother insists on something, she ends up getting it and if we talk about using resources and inventing solutions, they are unrivaled. This is the case of one of the founders of the Club Geluk website that if I have not misunderstood it, it is a web of professional wool weavers, I have seen it above and have very cool things.

The fact is that her son is no longer that little boy who allowed himself to be hugged, kissed and snatched and, unfortunately, for her, he has grown up to become a sullen pre-teen and runs away every time his mother tries to show him of love (I can understand her perfectly because I was such a child). But his mother is not one of those who surrender and if her son no longer wants me to hug him, she weaves an achuchable version of him. As you read it, a clone or a child species has been made in imitation of reborn baby in pure virgin sheep wool, we hope.

My mother, in her day, had no choice but to accept (I imagine that like the rest of the mothers) that her son had grown up and wait for some mistake to jump on me and hug me (did I say that I was very crazy?) And spend her free time knitting a sweater for winter, but of course my mother was fond of this, But what happens when you get a mother of wool balls and needles of various sizes? Well, it is taken as a personal challenge to make your own version of achuchable baby and as if that were not enough, make it to real size.

She says that there may be more mothers, going through the same thing, to whom a project of this magnitude can help them. Sincerely, My mother weaves a double mine of natural size and I ask for protection from blue helmets.

The final version has turned out to be a mixture of his two children, the one who did not let himself be hugged and the little one and according to his statements, when he was finished his little son could barely put it on, which has left me even more worried, because it seems that it can be used as a complete suit and sure that cold will not happen.

Can you imagine working in a foundry? Is there a mother mother taxidermist in the room?

Video: The Sanity of 'Madness' (July 2024).