Breastfeed while you sleep (video)

Today we bring you a video that shows one of the most obvious advantages of colecho: you can breastfeed the baby while the mother sleeps (or almost), unlike what happens if the baby is in another room.

In conclusion, if the baby as usual wakes up several times during the night: the mother sleeps more and better, wakes up in the morning more rested and at the same time the baby is calmer, better fed and ultimately the whole family is happier. It also prevents the child from crying when they leave him in the crib again, when he feels that Mom is moving away.

Some time ago we talked about these images because they were comic books on the web "The food of love" and now we have found this video that collects and we do not resist sharing.

In our family we have not made colecho but "cohabitation"That is to say, the girls slept next to our bed and in this way I could easily attend them to breastfeed them or the father if the diaper had to be changed. Many times they ended up in bed with me (when I was alone in the morning, since in our particular case "three are a crowd") and so we lengthened the dream a little more.

I do not know if the video that encourages breastfeeding while you sleep it is exaggerated or on the contrary you are reflected in what it shows us. You may have some families "see the light" for their sleep problems and tiredness at night, but first remember the recommendations to practice a safe and safe school.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | Funny comic about breastfeeding and colecho, The Mama Breastfeeding Sutra

Video: Breastfeed Your Baby to Reduce the Risk of SIDS Full Length with Audio Descriptions (July 2024).