Seven things you should know before leaving your child in kindergarten the first day

We start September and the new month brings the incorporation to the nursery of many children for the first time.

If you are a forester, surely you have been investigating what to do so that everything is perfect for the child and to 'survive' the first days away from your offspring. Even if you are mentalized (and informed), there will be things that will surprise you because you didn't expect them and that can make your child's separation harder, because parents also 'suffer'.

We tell you the seven situations that are frequent the first days of nursery school and that you will assume better if you know in advance what will happen.

1) Your child will be infected as soon as a virus circulates

Start mentalizing yourself: nursery school is a breeding ground for diseases and infections of all kinds (diarrhea, bronchitis, colds, otitis, etc.). It is understood because up to four or six years children seem to catch all the viruses and bacteria that circulate in the environment, and there live about 20 children many hours a day in an enclosed space.

In addition, the risk increases the smaller they are, which implies a higher intake of medications than babies who do not go to daycare.

For that reason pediatricians recommend avoiding school at least during the first two years of life.

And forget about the repeated phrase that "going to daycare immunizes children." It is completely false, as Armando Bastida explains.

Babies and young children have a very immature immune system, So when a bacterium or virus affects you, your immune system fights the disease, but is not able to leave enough memory lymphocytes to stop them next time. So he will get sick again in the coming months and years. Hence, vaccines have a limited response and doses must be repeated.

But it is true that sometimes parents have no other option for someone to take care of them while they work. And it also remains a valid alternative.

If this is your case, or you should be alarmed. Although there are no measures that we can follow and that 100% prevent our children from catching a cold, some tips minimize the risks of contagionAt least the time they spend with us:

  • Cover our nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, and also yours when they go out.

  • Spend more time outdoors and ventilate the house often.

  • Extreme hygiene at home, to avoid passing viruses from one side to another. It includes washing your toys and pacifiers often and instilling in the child the importance of washing their hands.

In Babies and more 11 tips to prevent your children from catching a cold
  • Clean their nose if they are bothered by mucus with disposable tissues.

  • Bet on a balanced and varied diet and a correct supply of vitamin C to strengthen your immune system.

  • And, if they are ill, leave them at home so they do not infect their partners.

2) Cry when you leave

Few are the parents who have not had to make guts and leave their little baby crying in the nursery. Maybe you free the first day, but the second or third, zas!

It is normal, because the child needs to adapt to the new situation and is part of their development.

Parents are fundamental figures to help them integrate better in the classroom, according to the nursery teachers.

For experts, it is essential to carry out an adaptation period of several days. A) Yes Younger children are gradually adapting to school, staying every day in class a little longer than the previous one.

Although it may be difficult for parents to reconcile the period of adaptation with their work, it is important to respect it and do so according to the guidelines of the center.

You should also know that In some nursery schools, adaptation is done in the company of parents. This more flexible alternative is criticized by some pedagogues who believe it is to lengthen the drama of separation. But if you can afford it, because of your work and personal situation, you can consider the option.

Teachers like Mª Victoria Gómez, pedagogue and teacher of Infant Education of the Community of Madrid, ensure that "The accompaniment is very positive for the child, since it makes him gain confidence and start the course in a more relaxed way."

In fact, the management of the adaptation period is one of the premises to take into account when choosing the nursery school.

3) You will have the impulse to enter, take it out of class and take it home

It is a completely understandable reaction. You have convinced yourself that it is the only possible option to continue working and that it is good for him.

But still, however mentalized you are, when you arrive at the door of the nursery school, you are not sure at all: you are going to leave your little one with strange people for the first time, with a lot of children who are going to infect him with all kinds of diseases, who are going to fight him ... And, if he also starts crying when you leave him in the hands of the teacher, the picture can not be worse.

As a mother who has been through this situation, I assure you that in a short time your child will begin to go happy to the nursery (if not going from the first day), where she will play with other children and learn many new things that will surprise you.

All parents would like to have the option to enjoy our children as long as possible, not having to separate from them during long working hours, but many times we cannot.

So, if this is your case and you have no alternative, try. If you do not like or change your personal situation, you are always in time to get him out of the center. But now trust your child: he will show you that he has more ease of adaptation than you can imagine.

To help you, the best thing you can do (even if you feel more like crying than your child), is to show him confidence and security, since you are his reference figure.

You should also allow him to express his feelings and emotions. Not everyone reacts in the same way or manages to adapt in the same period of time. Leave the space you need to adapt, without overwhelming you.

Even you are stronger than you think. The important thing will be to dedicate quality time when you meet again and the days off.

4) You will not be able to control everything

You will no longer be with your child 24 hours a day, so you will have to learn to delegate and trust the people who are taking care of him while you cannot.

Maybe I can help you know what they do in class when you're not there.

They will inform you of the progress and how the day went, but in a less exhaustive way than you would like. So try not to monopolize the teacher when he informs you that he has made three poops, with questions like: "Was it clarita? Very hard?". Not only do they see many at the end of the day, but behind you there are many mothers who also want to punch their child after not seeing him in a few hours and knowing how the day has passed.

You have to get used to what you're going to miss, for example: if it took five or 10 minutes to eat, if you did it with your right or left hand, if you put a strange face when you tried the carrot ...

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The teachers will give you a summary (even written) of the most important and will let you know if something unusual has happened in the day. As the days go by, you will learn to banal some things and not worry about what is beyond your control.

You will know in advance their daily menus, excursions, you will have change clothes (in case of an accident), you will receive the care and attention of very prepared teachers. But, if you still have doubts: play with him when you pick him up, offer him varied food for dinner, talk to him about his day at school (without overwhelming him with direct questions) and give him all your love, which is what he needs to feel safe and happy

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5) It will fall and come with a scratch or pull of hair

Let's not fool ourselves. However outstanding we are of our young children, they sometimes fall, stumble, become blood and even cry. And that does not mean that we are bad parents.

Well, it will also fall and scratch in nursery school, even some more than you would like. And that does not imply that teachers are neglected. They are simply children who are still learning to run, jump, play with other peers and 'kiss the ground' once in a while.

They are also frequent fights for possession (and does not mean that children are poorly educated) but according to the 'Murphy's Law' they always want the toy that the other has, just that one.

And there will arise weeping, pushing and even a scratch or pull of hair. Of course, these attitudes are not right and the teachers will be in charge of teaching those involved, but they can get out of the fold. Or is it that your son has never fought in the park even for a container of yogurt that the boy next door had? Well, I recognize that mine do. It must be a unique container!

These war fights are part of their adaptation to live with other children, provided it is an isolated situation, very punctual, and of course nothing of traumatic and reportable cases.

In Babies and more, pick up your baby in the nursery and find her full of bites: what to do in such a case

6) I will not go impeccably dressed and nothing happens

You love to see your girl with that denim skirt and that frilly shirt. Well, from the nursery school, you better reserve the most beautiful clothes for when you go out for a walk with you.

If you have not yet been convinced by the recommendations of the center, you should go to class with comfortable clothes, even if it is not the most striking.

The most comfortable, although you can ask other mothers, are the t-shirts and pullovers with opening of square brackets, without buttons, the sweatshirts with zipper in the center, so that the children can wear them alone, the leggins or sweatpants with rubber at the waist, shoes with velcro ...

You will be surprised to see how quickly they learn to be self-sufficient when dressing and undressing, with the tricks they teach them in nursery school!

As for the footwear, if they are starting to walk, it is better to opt for very soft shoes that allow the whole game of the foot or even that are the closest thing to the feeling of going barefoot or non-slip footprints. And, most importantly, that the shoe suits the child and not vice versa.

In Babies and more Barefoot children, more intelligent (and above all, happier)

7) You will lose shoes, clothes, pacifiers ...

At home we could sell kilos socks that are left uneven because the washing machine seems to swallow the companions.

In the same way, nursery schools could open second-hand stores with all the clothes that are lost.

Luckily, there is an easy solution: mark all the clothes and objects of our child, but all, so that both the child and his teachers know how to recognize who they belong if they find him in a place that does not belong to them.

In addition, many clothes are repeated and the teachers have no way of knowing who they are if they are not marked or the parents to claim that a jacket belongs to their son and not the child who wears it, if it does not bear his name.

And it will happen. Since at the beginning of the nursery school there are no parent WhatsApp groups, we have to search live and direct, until we can write the usual message of "My son has lost a red sweatshirt, size three. Can you see if any of your children have taken it confused?"

From the initials embroidered on a ribbon, through the 'supposedly water resistant' markers to today's labels, personalized, thermoadhesive, easy to place and very resistant.

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Today on Amazon for € 18.50: //

And if it is still very small and does not recognize its name, you can select a drawing so you can identify your things.

And it is not a matter of laughter. In my toddler's nursery school a mother 'got confused' with her stroller, which I had to buy from scissors, exclusively to leave her there and if she doesn't have a name, I run out of her. So, even if you miss the odd glass of learning, it is better that everything is marked, if it works. Mother's word!

Video: I Went Back To 1st Grade For A Day (May 2024).