Danger in the pool: secondary drowning

Summer is coming and surely many kids are counting the days left for them to open the doors of the pools and why not say it, surely many of us are also waiting for it and wait for the temperatures to rise a bit.

But we cannot forget that accidents related to swimming pools are one of the biggest causes of mortality of the smallest and therefore we must exercise caution when we are close to them. Today we will talk about one of the dangers that I don't know if we all know. Danger in the pool: secondary drowning

Secondary drowning occurs, as with primary drowning, when someone inhales water, but unlike the latter, secondary does not occur immediately but between 15 minutes and 72 hours after inhalation. It usually occurs after having suffered a semi-drowning, that is, after being "resurrected."

Why is it so dangerous?

It is dangerous for several reasons, the main one is that if it is not treated in a medical center it is deadly, usually after having had the great scare of a drowning we think that the danger has passed and if we do not recognize the symptoms we may be late to hospital.

Why it happens?

It is caused by lung tissue damage caused by the previous semi-drowning.

The symptoms

We must remain attentive to the following symptoms and in case they appear to take the patient to the nearest health center without wasting time.

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Intense cough
  • Extreme or unusual tiredness
  • Strange behaviors regarding brain activity such as difficulty speaking, memory loss or lack of attention.


The best way to prevent secondary drowning is to take the child to a medical center after having suffered a semi-drowning. If the child has had to be resuscitated or has been more than just a drink of water, a doctor should see him as soon as possible to avoid possible injuries.