"Where is my tribe?": A little gem about parenting today

A few weeks ago Lola mentioned this book in a compilation with six recommendations to give to mothers on Mother's Day. When I saw him on the list, I put my hand to my forehead when I remembered that I hadn't talked about him yet.

In a growing literary offer related to childhood, upbringing, the puerperium and others, I confess to having read less and less, for feeling that no book gave me anything that I did not know or feel. However, from the waters appeared "Where is my tribe?"And then I felt a small slap that said:" What, did you think any book on parenting could make you think? Well, take it. "

And it is that Carolina Del Olmo, its author, that we can also read in her blog, which receives the same name: Where is my tribe ?, has wanted, and has managed to navigate the difficult waters of breeding looking for a north that does not I was in the current well-known care currents.

While he tells us about the process of how he became a mother, showing feelings and sensations, he tells us about everything else, other mothers, how they do it, how they live it, how society affects current mothers and fathers, how he has behaved so far with children and what role each of them plays now, in an increasingly individualistic world.

Is a little gem that you should not let go because even when you feel like me, that I already have three children and that I consider myself a father quite tanned in the matter, not only for what I have read, but especially for what I have lived, you will find in him ideas, fragments and premises that will make you consider (or reconsider) your own values ​​that you considered immovable.

It is a shallow book, and that means that it is not to read standing up, at minimum moments, but that deserves a good sitting (or several), to focus on it with the five senses and rename each of the ideas it offers us.

I do not say that what you are going to read you will like, or that you will agree with what it says, since I felt, when reading it, that I did not share some things. But it does not matter, because it is not intended, it is not really a parenting book, or help. The thing is not about that, it is not going to say "I close it, I don't like it" or "I am not learning anything that I can apply with my children". It is not we who must control where the book is going to go, like who tries to control a movie when he thinks he knows what will happen. The thing goes of reading, or listening, and understanding your motivations and those of the people you talk about. And by the way, understand why society is now at the point where it is. Something like that, going back to that movie, like realizing that it is already impossible to guess what comes next, and you decide to simply stop fighting and focus on enjoying (or not) what will come.

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