Do we invite minors to participate in society? If you have doubts you can dispel them by knowing these children

Children for Animals 10 minutes of the experience of The Fourth Snout. Subtitle English from Cesar Bona on Vimeo.

'For an education based on empathy and children's participation in society', this is the declaration of intentions of “Children for Animals”, this international network of schools, whose purpose is to convey to children the need to fight against animal abuse, highlighting values ​​such as respect for the environment, sensitivity and empathy.

It is based on the experience of the Fourth Snout, and is the means to be used to channel all the ideas, suggestions, campaigns ... that are carried out. In this way its members (also protagonists) will feel more united and will have the possibility to act together. As you know, the Fourth Snout is a virtual Animal Protective Society, pioneer in our country (and in many others) that it emerged in the fourth year classroom of a Rural Center grouped in Muel (Saragossa). These students are now in Secondary School, but they continue giving what to talk about, after having obtained that their town was declared free of Circuses with Animals, having been with Jane Goodall herself, having spoken in the Congress of Deputies, having received several awards, ... His career is reflected in this book.

Bravo for them !, and for who was their teacher (César Bona), because he has done something for which more schools and teachers should bet: let students think for themselves, and develop their creativity to improve the world in which they live, it has given them a voice, and has allowed them to act

The video that heads the post, is starring children (the same) bigger than when they started their adventure: it is a good summary of your work, your effort and your successes. What is most surprising is the ability to empathize with other living beings (in a world where empathy is a scarce commodity). They show that by exercising social, emotional and cognitive skills, the world can be improved, but yes: we have to let children exercise these skills, we have to let them speak and express themselves, and not precisely according to our intentions (something that we love to make adults, but let's think that our time to be young has passed ... it's up to the kids).

I think that if this initiative is consolidated and is spreading throughout the world, we will be facing the possibility of important social and educational changesIt may be as easy as listening to children and meeting their demands and needs. They have done so with the girls and boys of El Cuarto Hocico and look at the result: determined young people who know what they want and fight to achieve it, students who have an amazing capacity to express themselves in public and make themselves heard; Children who not only look for their future, but for the present of society.

The seeds of the Fourth Snout have flown to other countries, and the fruits begin to be seen in other schools and other committed children.

Video: Darryl Anka Bashar - Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview (July 2024).