Admiring Autism, a photographic project about autism

Autism is a misunderstood and sometimes feared disorder. That is why such beautiful projects we are talking about seem very interesting to us. Admiring Autism is a photographic project to banish myths about autism, to bring this disorder to everyone.

British photographer Sara Dunn, mother of an autistic son, decided to challenge the myths about autism with a camera and through this medium she has documented her experiences and those of other families affected by the disorder through the image.

Understand that there is a real disorder behind autism, prevent autistic children from being sentenced or show that they do know how to love, relate to acquaintances and even strangers, feel loved, cry and smile, have complex experience ... all this can be observed Through the beautiful photographs.

The author explains that at the beginning the photographs were simply to remind her that there was good morning with her son and that small achievements were achieved. But soon began to photograph the bad days, the bad times, so take a look at your gallery shows us both extremes quite realistically.

Immediately other families with autistic children contacted her when they saw the images and realized that she was not alone and many people lived similar situations. It was time to visit them and also capture their moments. Thus arose this project, a place that claims the breadth of the autistic spectrum.

Raise awareness about autism through photography as Admiring Autism does It is a precious work and we want the project to reach many people. At the moment, even the National Autism Society in the United Kingdom speaks of it as "an inspiring project."

Video: Generation A: Portraits of Autism & The Arts (July 2024).