Moms bloggers: Carolina, del Minerva and her world visit us

There is little left for Mother's Day to arrive, a day pointed out in our blog for obvious reasons, and following the initiative we started two days ago, today we are going to interview another great mom from the "blogueril" universe.

For today we have Carolina, author of the blog Minerva and her world.

Carolina is 36 years old, is a maternity and parenting advisor in Soñando Duendes and has a daughter, Minerva, who is 3 and a half years old. She is paired, but not married, and her family is made up of dad, mom, Minerva and a yorkshire, who is apparently Minerva's great playmate.

What led you to start a blog?

I have always liked to write, and after being a mother, everything I was learning seemed so dazzling that I wanted to share it with everyone who was interested. On the other hand, it was also a way of responding to all the doubts that arose, and being able to help any family with the same concerns. There is a lot of information on the network, but not everything is reliable, my wish was and is to offer proven information so that families can decide with the information in hand.

What has the blog contributed to you?

At the beginning he gave me the power to let off steam and not feel alone in my motherhood, because I had barely begun to meet other families with babies. Little by little, a virtual network was woven where I not only felt supported and understood, but where I could have a very broad vision of the different rhythms not only of each child, but of each mother and each family. My thought that we cannot generalize according to what we live in our house, was fully confirmed.

"I will never forget what I felt when after giving birth they put it on me and we looked into each other's eyes"

The mutual enrichment of knowing so many families is enormous, their experiences, their way of seeing things (which does not have to be yours), the rhythms of their children and the difficulties of some and others in some Parenting aspects.

Over time, and as a result of dedicating myself professionally to the world of parenting and motherhood, it also serves as a vehicle for communication with families who need support or simply information.

If someone asked you about having children or not, would you say that…

I would tell you that it is the most enriching and amazing experience of my life. My daughter has completely changed my idea of ​​life, of myself (it is a journey of self-knowledge that I had never experienced before) and of course of children, motherhood and parenting.

I do not believe that being a father or mother is something essential to be done in life, but that it must be something that is really desired, not something that is done because it touches. Everyone must do in life what they really feel, whether or not they have children, and whatever our desire, nobody has to judge our decision. Being a father or mother implies a great responsibility towards this new life, which depends for many years on us and that we accompany to find their own way.

A moment of your life with your children that you will never forget?

Although each moment is unique and I keep countless memories of my daughter, without a doubt the image that has been retained in my mind is that of the first time we looked into each other's eyes. I will never forget what I felt when after giving birth they put it on me and, my little girl, a newborn baby girl, raised her head completely upright and looked at me with her lively eyes full of energy. For me, as a first-time mom who had barely had contact with other babies, it was amazing and wonderful.

What would you like your children to tell you on Mother's Day?

The truth is that we are not celebrating much these days, that is, I have always congratulated my mother, of course. And it also makes me excited that my daughter gives me some surprise with a little detail I made with my dad. But I recognize that I don't expect him to tell me anything special that particular day.

I think that every day we have to show what we love or the joy of being together, it is something that comes out alone, without having to expect anything and less from our children. If we give love we receive love, it's that simple.

We thank Carol, from Minerva and her world, that she has dedicated such beautiful words to our Special Moms Bloggers. Tomorrow we will continue with another mother who is sure to explain us very interesting things too.

Video: REI Presents: The Mirnavator (July 2024).