May 17 is Internet Day (#DiadeInternet)

He May 17, 2014 Internet day is celebrated. For the organizers this year is very special because 45 years of the first exchange of information between two computers are celebrated and the tenth edition of the Internet day. So in this tenth anniversary they will explain how the Network has changed us and what we can do so that we all participate and benefit from the opportunities offered by the New Technologies. This year the focus will be on what are the challenges of the Network Governancehow to encourage entrepreneurship taking advantage of the potential offered by the Internet, it will also boost the electronic commerce and solidarity and responsible acts are not lost working in the accessibility for people with disabilities.

In addition, the schools have been working since March and under the project How technology can help improve the lives of people with some type of disability, in the contest Tell us how you see the Internet. The objective is to promote among the elementary school children the good use of new technologies in schools and at the same time sensitize teachers, students and family members of the importance they have for the present and future development of children. The format of the works is the drawing, the story or the poetry.

Children, helped by their teacher, have to upload their work to the Internet, also show them at home and request votes. Each job has to get at least five votes to be rewarded.

On April 30, 2014, the deadline for submission of papers ends, those that are submitted later are published on the web although they may not qualify for the awards. The winners are communicated from May 6 to 10 and on May 17, the prizes will be given to the winners in one of the official events of Internet Day.

Although it is not the only activity to be held this day because from May 10 to 17 a great celebration is held Internet week in which there will be offers, opportunities and exclusive discounts for purchases on the Internet. This initiative has a communication campaign in which the Public Administration, Internet stores, manufacturers, payment method issuers, logistics platforms, online trust seals and merchant associations also participate actively. of the Promotion Committee of the #diadeinternet.

We will be attentive to Internet Day activities. In Madrid we have been attending for several years and they are very good because they are very entertaining, they celebrate it as if it were a great party encouraging participation including music and dances and also many gifts from the sponsors are delivered.