'Parts of births': film about myths, fears and birth experiences

I want to present today a highly recommended film for women who are close to childbirth and for those who wish to know the testimonies of other women on their own myths, fears and birth experiences. Is about 'Parts of births', directed by Faustina Hanglin.

'Parts of Births' It is the first chapter of the Sweet Ibiza Suite documentary series, followed by Nutricia y Crianzas, which we hope to see soon.

The contradictions and conflicts surrounding childbirth emerge in a series of conversations with parents, mothers and health professionals. Listening to the feelings of parents in such a momentous moment of life as the birth of a child is the parameter that allows us to see the reality about childbirth in our current society.

The stories lead us to reflect on the need to change some childbirth care procedures such as continuous monitoring, which prevents freedom of movement and abuse of anesthetic drugs, as well as systematic practices such as caesarean section or episiotomy.

Experiences show that women want more humanized births, in which they can feel protagonists and able to give birth to their children without the need for excessive medical intervention. Some stories are very exciting.

Here you have the movie trailer 'Parts of births'. Full lasts an hour, but I recommend you prepare a tea and take the time to see it calmly. Enjoy it.