A baby with Edwards syndrome who lived just ten days surrounded by the love of his family

There is nothing harder for parents than watching a child die, no matter how long they have shared together. One of those cases that move us to tears is that of Zion, a baby with Edwards Syndrome who lived just ten days surrounded by the love of his family.

His parents have spread a video tribute to remember the little one and celebrate every second, every minute and every day that they have had the joy of living with him, his fifth child.

At 20 weeks of pregnancy it was detected that the baby had Edwards Syndrome, a genetic disease also known as trisomy 18 (due to the presence of an additional complete chromosome in par 18) that produces malformations and abnormalities in organs such as heart, kidneys and lungs.

When an Edwards is diagnosed, doctors prepare the family about what the disease entails so that they decide whether to terminate the pregnancy, prepare them psychologically for an eventual perinatal death or inform them about mental retardation and physical disabilities in the few survivors.

Josh and Robbyn decided to move on even though they were told that their baby would live at most a few hours. Those few hours became a gift of ten days in which they fully enjoyed the possibility of being together.

In the video they collected the most special moments of those ten days such as the long-awaited arrival at the baby's house, the hundreds of kisses he received, the celebration with a cake of his birthday or the feet with ink stamped on the arms of his brothers.

A very hard and exciting story that these parents have decided to live despite knowing what would happen.

Video: Darcy - A Trisomy 18 Story of Faith and Hope (July 2024).