Together we can create a better Internet: learn to avoid risks and threats online, for you and your children

Although we have already talked about the event in previous days, today we could not fail to mention the Safe Internet Day that is being celebrated throughout the world during this day. In fact there are more than 70 countries that join the initiative promoted by the European Commission, and organized by INSAFE (in Spain by Protégeles).

In our country there are many entities that add to the reminder that together we can make a better internet, a desire that becomes relevant in the attempt to ensure healthy networking. It could not be otherwise, since of the 2400 million global Internet users, many are unaware of the risks and threats through the network.

These potential risks can be avoided by adopting basic precautions, after all, wouldn't we all be calmer by adopting a culture of caring for one's own privacy, and respecting the privacy of others? From GData they offer us some general advice that we will later expand briefly with specific recommendations addressed to minors:

For all

  • They must always be installed solutions for computer security, and in addition to the classic anti-malware protection, it is recommended that you include firewalls, web browsing protection, and online banking protection.

  • Security breaches: it is advisable to close them by updating the operating system, browser, applications and other programs.

Many threats use the security breaches of outdated programs to infect computers and smartphones
  • Spam does not open unless we know that a valid email has been cast in the folder; attachments are not opened, nor are spam links clicked. Junk mail is sent to the trash directly.

  • Secure passwords combine uppercase, lowercase and numbers, and have a minimum of eight characters. It is convenient to use several for email, social networks and other services on the network, and they should be changed every six months approximately.

  • The Backups: are those systems that protect our most precious data in a safe place, and that many (even knowing it) do not use. Well, know that if you appreciate your information, you should keep a copy of documents or photographs. There are security solutions so complete that program periodic back ups, learn to take advantage of your antivirus!

  • GData technicians remind us that if we take care of the data, we must also do it (with more reason and emphasis) with the children. We can teach them how to navigate without risk, we can use parental controls or not, but we should never ignore family communication about it.

What about smartphones and tablets?

Well, first of all, they must also carry antivirus to detect malicious apps and ensure safe browsing, 'on Android devices it has become an essential element'. Obviously we will only download trusted apps, and preferably from trusted places like official markets. A mobile device is not an app store, some will 'need' (with all the connotations of the word) and others not.

Bluetooth, WiFi connection and GPS function, only when necessary. And always disable these connections when you don't use them
Security must also be set, and we can even activate the password function

Relationships through Social Networks on the Internet

  • It is not necessary to have hundreds of friends. Accept only those friend requests that come from people you know outside the Network.

  • Beware of shortened links. They can lead to malicious sites so be suspicious if they come from strangers.

  • Think twice before posting personal information. Once on the Internet there is no going back, so be especially careful when uploading photos or posting personal addresses or phone numbers.

For families with children

These are the basic safety standards that children should know, make sure you don't ignore them yourself, and then transfer this information to the children. This is your contribution, theirs are their innate abilities and rapid resolution in terms of management and search for resources on the web.

  • On the internet people are not always who they say they are. Do not believe everything they tell you.

  • Do not provide personal data that allows your location or identification.

  • Remember that you must also respect the privacy of the people you know. Do not provide information about your family or friends.

  • Beware of the photographs you upload. Even if you think only your friends are going to see them, think that any of them could get to copy them and hang some in other places.

  • On social networks, don't add people you don't know physically.

Finally we remember the recommendations for the prevention of cyberbullying, that campaign of Friendly Screens and Telephone that is worth following, because Cyberbullying is one of the most widespread problems through network relationships, and we like to remember it, for everyone to find the solution.

Images | Lucélia Ribeiro, Intel Free Press More information | Safe Internet Center In Peques and More | Parents cannot be the last to know that they humiliate, vex (or worse) children on the Internet

Video: Nine internet-based security risks and how to tackle them. GFI WebMonitor (June 2024).