Inpatient rights card

We know that the rights of children do not disappear when they enter the hospital, although in many cases they are violated. That's why reminders like this one are shown. the hospitalized child's rights chart.

We found the rights in a publication of Unicef ​​Chile entitled "The rights of children and adolescents in the area of ​​health", a list shown as an example of agreements made in other countries around the rights of hospitalized children.

They remind us that hospitals must ensure that the rights are applied in the daily life of hospitalized children, always taking into account the best interests of the child. The booklet is valid for children and adolescents, and consists of the following points:

  • Right of the newborn to make attachment at birth and to remain with his parents day and night.
  • The hospitalized child has right to be breastfed by his mother.
  • Every child has the right to a name. The hospitalized child must carry an ID and be called by name.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to remain in a safe and adequate place for the rapid improvement of his illness.
  • Must be protected against all forms of physical or mental harm or abuse, carelessness or negligent treatment.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to consider the option of avoiding immobilization and if unable to do so, do so in the most appropriate way.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to be informed about his illness and how his treatment will be carried out.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to opt for alternatives granted by the treatment, as the situation allows.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to be heard about your well-being or physical or psychological discomfort, responding to your concerns.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to privacy.
  • Any hospitalized child has the right to play.
  • The hospitalized child has the right to maintain contact with all those with whom he had a link, prior to hospitalization.
  • Education rights.
  • Exams should be requested only if they will contribute to a more accurate diagnosis that will involve a change in therapeutic behavior.
  • The hospitalized child is entitled to a reanalysis with respect to remaining hospitalized.

I hope it's hospitalized children's rights chart it becomes a reality in more and more hospitals, so that the stay for them and their families is lighter. A trance in which we would never want to see each other, but possible and in which we should not give up our rights.