11 keys on car seats to travel safely with children

In summer the frequency of road trips increases, and with it the risk of accidents. Nothing and no one can free us from suffering a mishap with the car, but in our hands it is in the best possible way to protect those we love most.

Therefore, today we want to review the basic security measures that we must take when it comes to Use child restraint systems correctly. Because using approved chairs is not the only requirement for our children to travel safely.

Use chairs approved to the child's weight and size

When traveling with children on the road it is essential to do so in child restraint systems (SRI) approved and appropriate to the child's weight and size. To do this, we must look at the manufacturer's label that will indicate the approval standard of the device (ECE R44 / 04, or ECE R129 also known as i-Size) and the kilos and height for which it has been designed.

In Babies and more i-Size Chairs: everything you need to know about their classification and use Children should never travel in chairs not approved by one of the two regulations in force, nor do it in a device where the weight and height limits are not respected indicated by the manufacturer.

It goes without saying that you have to do without SRI, travel in the arms of an adult, do not wear a seat belt, or use it but without having reached enough height, puts the child's life in serious danger, apart from being punished by law.

Children less than 135 cm tall should always travel in a SRI

The General Regulation of Circulation of the DGT that regulates the use of the SRI and the seat belt, establishes that all occupants whose height is equal to or less than 135 cm in height must use a restraint system adapted to its weight and size, although they recommend prolonging its use until the child reaches 150 cm.

In any case, if we have doubts about whether our child can already wear the seat belt that we adults use, the DGT advises to look at how the band that passes through the shoulder looks. If it touches the neck or passes under the chin, the child should continue to use an SRI.

Traveling backwards is safer

According to the studies, traveling backwards is up to five times safer than doing it in front of the road. The DGT and experts in road safety, firefighters and even the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that children travel as long as possible, but at least up to four years.

In Babies and more, traveling backwards is safer

All parents should know three very important data of the chairs in reverse:

  • Reduce the risk of death or serious injury by 90%
  • In the event of a frontal impact, the absorption of force that the child performs in a chair in the rear is better distributed
  • They are also safe in case of rear impact

It is important to break down the false myths that circulate around this type of child safety devices, and get informed with specialized sellers about the chair model that suits us best, taking into account the physical characteristics of the child and our type of car.

Do not use second-hand chairs

It is important to know that the chairs have an expiration date. They also age and deteriorate with the passage of time, so it is not recommended to buy or inherit second-hand chairs, especially if we do not know their origin or we are not sure how it has been used and preserved.

Fundación Mapfre warns that the use of aged or damaged SRIs does not protect the child in the same way, being able to break due to the slowdown suffered in an accident.

Likewise, if we suffer any mishap with a vehicle with installed chairs, it is advisable to replace them or consult with a specialized professional, in case they had suffered any damage that compromises the future safety of the child.

Make sure the SRI is correctly installed

According to some experts, 63% of children do not travel correctly when they are driving due to misuse of the seat. And it is of no use to have a chair approved in weight and height, if it is not properly anchored to the vehicle, or if the seat belt that retains it is not well tightened.

In this sense, The Isofix system allows the installation of the chair reducing the risks of assembly errors, especially in times of great tensions such as a slowdown or an impact.

Vehicle manufacturers and child restraint systems have long been incorporating this system into their products. But before buying a chair it is advisable to check if our vehicle allows this restraint system. If not, you can make use of the vehicle's seat belts, also very reliable, but that require more attention in their assembly.

The central rear seat, the safest

The SRIs will always be placed in the rear seats except in the following exceptions:

  • In two-seater cars where there are no rear seats
  • When all rear seats are already occupied by other minors of the same characteristics
  • When it is not possible to install all child restraint systems in the rear seats

If there is any circumstance that obliges us to install a counter-RIS in the passenger seat, we must ensure that deactivate the airbag.

In Babies and more That your children always travel safe: Child Road Safety Decalogue

According to experts, if the car has three rear seats with Isofix, the safest to place the SRI is the central square, it is the place furthest from possible areas of impact. But if the rear seat does not have Isofix, or the car only has two seats, it is preferable to choose the right side rather than the left.

Check anchors, braces and tension

When you feel your child in his seat, check his anchors, and check that the harness straps are not twisted and have the right tension, so that they do not squeeze you but they are not too weak to allow you to take out your arms and compromise your safety.

Seat belt well placed

Preferably, when the child has reached 150 cm in height he could already travel only with the seat belt that we use adults, but in this case it is important to consider these aspects for proper use:

  • The diagonal band of the belt must pass through the collarbone, over the shoulder and well attached to the chest, without rubbing the face or neck.

  • The ventral band of the belt should be as low as possible, on the hip and thighs and never on the stomach.

  • The belt must not be twisted.

  • Nothing should be put under the belt in order to go more comfortable.

  • The belt should be tight and fit properly to the body.

  • Place the backrest in an upright position.

The child's head should not protrude from the back of the chair

The SRI must adapt to the progressive growth of the child, and not only take into account your weight but also your height. To do this, we will adjust the path of the harness and the head restraints, but when we see that the child's head protrudes above the backrest or the shoulders exceed the highest position of the harnesses, the time has come to renew the chair.

Make frequent stops

If you have a long road trip scheduled remember make frequent stops so that children can stretch their legs, change position, hydrate or go to the bathroom. In the case of traveling with babies, the recommendation is to make stops every hour and a half, get them out of their seats and rest outside the SRI.

This point is very important since prolonged use of car seats increases the risk of postural asphyxiation in newborns and young babies.

Postural asphyxia occurs because babies do not have enough strength to hold the back and head, and when sitting in these chairs their spine takes the form of a very pronounced C that makes it difficult for the chest and abdomen to expand to breathe. In addition, the head falls forward, the chin touches the chest and the trachea closes, making breathing more difficult.

As a result, the risk of bradycardia (the heart slows down than it should), apnea (the baby stops breathing for a few seconds) and oxygen desaturation (less oxygen reaches the blood) are increased, so if the position is not remedied the consequences can be fatal.

Never leave the child alone in the car

In summer and hot days cars can become a deadly trap for babies and children. Therefore it is of vital importance never leave our children alone inside the vehicle, not even having the certainty that the message we are going to do is not going to take time.

Remember that even if we leave the windows open, the interior temperature of a car parked in full sun rises rapidly, also dangerously raising the child's body temperature. So, neither in summer nor in winter: the car is no place for children to be left alone.

In Babies and moreSeven devices and apps that prevent forgetting babies inside the car

In addition to making safe use of car seats, it is essential to take into account other safety measures when traveling with children, such as lock the doors and windows so that they cannot manipulate them during the journey.

Nor should we travel with loose objects inside the passenger compartment of the car, because in case of collision or sudden braking they can pose a serious risk to the physical integrity of its occupants, even in the case of small or light objects.

The child's safety also depends on the driver. Respect the rules, driving in a calm and relaxed way, without aggressiveness or abruptness, leaving a safe space, and adjusting the speed to the circumstances of the traffic, is the best way to protect children in their movements

Video: Bet you didn't know you could do all these things with The Car Seat Key. . (May 2024).