Scribblenauts Unlimited is available for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS

Some time ago we talked in Peques and More than Scribblenauts and the enormous possibilities of the game in which you learn the cause-effect relationship. And is that Maxwell, the main character has a notebook in which he writes the objects he needs to overcome the challenges that arise. And when What you have written appears to you! and is ready to be used Maxwell just has to see what happens after using it. And it is very funny because there are times that the things or animals that you put on the stage interact with each other and generate unexpected results.

Now Scribblenauts Unlimited It is available on the Wii U and the rest of the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles. The challenge is to accept how the notebook, word, knowledge, skill and imagination are used in the best possible way to achieve the challenges that arise in the game. Scribblenauts is completely translated to Spanish and in this new version you can learn more about the story of Maxwell, his parents, his twin sister Lily and even how he got his magic book.

Scribblenauts Unlimited offers a completely open universe that is divided into 8 worlds and 41 levels, each with its own objectives to explore. The options are huge in this game where you can visit the city to help the police catch a thief or travel to a tropical island to help a shipwrecked couple. The most attractive thing about the game is the way you can help because it only depends on the imagination.

Scribblenauts Unlimited includes 50 Starites Y 500 Starite vessels what to find Ensures more than 20 hours of play, it is recommended to rest every so often, and lots of fun using the levels as a playground. In the game there is accessible one Object Library that you can store the objects that Maxwell has previously used in the magic backpack and that is always accessible.

In the Wii U Multiplayer mode can be used and children can join the game at any time to control objects using a Wii remote. Also the game includes high definition graphics.

In the Nintendo 3DS the system is used Streetpass to see the creative solutions to the puzzles that other players have found. It also includes the option of 3D.

Video: Scribblenauts Unlimited - Trailer Wii U & Nintendo 3DS (July 2024).