How is a baby in high emotional demand?

If having a baby is exhausting for any family, the day to day with a baby in high demand is a real challenge for their parents, overwhelmed by a demanding level, seeking contact and urgency in their demands that often exceeds the capacity that they have to be able to attend to them.

Understand how is a baby with high emotional demand You can help us improve the situation.

The term was coined by a pediatrician, Dr. Sears, also known for having introduced the term "parenting with attachment."

The characteristics of a baby in high demand could be summarized as: - Always alert, they never seem to relax. - Very intense, with explosive feelings. - Absorbent to the maximum. - Claimants urgently. - Desperate crying. - High volume. - Hard to comfort. - Hypersensitive. - With a very high need for physical contact. - High need for suction.

How to know that you are in love? Who is, knows it. Well, who has a high demand baby, knows it. We are not talking about the "normal" or "standard" demand that all babies have, the absolutely normal and healthy need that all children have to be carried in their arms, to meet their needs as quickly as possible. We are talking about babies who are never satisfied, who never tire, who need more and more, babies whose parents in many cases are overwhelmed and overwhelmed by the situation.

In principle, it gives you nothing. In fact there are many detractors of this and other terms because it somehow involves labeling babies. Whatever our view on this terminology, the truth is that these babies are usually labeled at street level how whiners, spoiled, in love and, in short, as bad guysWell, they are the opposite of those great babies who sleep a lot and pull, eat without a huge grudge and remain for hours in their cars looking at the infinite without saying a peep.

The term high demand supposed to show the whole world that there are babies who, having these characteristics, are neither bad nor their parents are. When it is assumed that such a baby is beginning to understand a little more that this is its character and that over time it will be overcome and parents can be largely relieved of the burden of blaming themselves for their baby's behavior, which He never seems to have enough despite his many efforts. It means, in short, knowing that you are not alone.

In an upcoming article, we will explain what day-to-day life is like with a high demand baby and what simple strategies we can use to cope with it.

Video: Master Your Emotions After Emotional Pain and Emotional Abuse (April 2024).