Why go to Finland when you can study in Soria?

A school in Soria, a concerted center, has achieved results in both mathematics and comprehensive reading even better than in Finland.

The question is obvious in view of the results. Why go to Finland when you can study in Soria?

Its about Colegio Nuestra Señora del Pilar, a concerted center whose director points out that in their center they have a very high percentage of deep readers, being much lower than that of superficial readers, something that directly influences the results in all the subjects that students study.

The students of this center have achieved an average above the national average, higher than that of the other OECD countries and in some specific areas, even higher than the average in Finland, an international reference in terms of quality public education it means.

The center directed by Óscar Abellón, has participated in an evaluation test in Spain based on the PISA report with which it is intended measure applied knowledge, the ability to understand information and apply it in other contexts and the competences of 15-year-old students in reading, math and science.

The results have shown that students who have participated from this center are well above the students from the rest of the country who participated in the PISA test in 2012. In science, for example, the results have placed these students only below from Japan.

What is the secret?

A climate of discipline and a good relationship between teacher and student, are directly associated with the best performance of students, said the director of this Spanish center, while the fact of putting more homework to students does not guarantee to have better results.

From this school they are clear that the educational centers must foster the critical spirit of the students and their self-confidence, they have to teach the schoolchildren to continue studying always during their life and something very important, they are clear that countries that want to improve their economic performance must invest in the education of their citizens.

Video: Winters in Oulu - Finland (May 2024).