Bank of symbols for children with communicative difficulties

People with difficulties in communicating can be helped by images that convey a message. The Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ATASAAC) offers graphic and material resources to facilitate the communication of those people with some kind of difficulty in this area.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems (SAAC) are forms of expression other than spoken language, which aim to increase (augmentative) and / or compensate (alternative) for communication and language difficulties of many people with disabilities.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication includes various symbol systems that adapt to the needs of people with ages and motor, cognitive and linguistic abilities very different, and there are two types:

  • Graphic symbols: photographs, drawings, pictograms, words or letters.
  • The gestural symbols: resort to mimicry, gestures or manual signs.

There are many educational records that can also be used as literacy support, learning letters, expanding vocabulary, that is, teachers and parents also have an interesting resource in this space to put into practice with any child.

The project is part of the Action Plan of the Aragonese Center for Education Technologies (CATEDU), a center under the Department of Education, University, Culture and Sports of the Government of Aragon.

It contains a lot of material that can be very useful to parents and teachers, I recommend you take a look at the resources in this symbol bank for children with communicative difficulties, and n general for children who learn to communicate.

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