Spooky Spooky is a Halloween song for kids

My daughter tells me that her Music teacher He has taught them the song of Halloween call Spooky Spooky and that can be seen in the video below. The song is performed by A.J. Jenkins a singer of traditional songs for the little ones and that serves them to learn, relate, associate, pronounce and play.

Apparently the teacher has arranged for each student to be one of the characters that can be seen in the video and they have sung and danced with the song while they projected it on the screen. One has been the skeleton, another has been the cat and so on and everyone has participated in class. I think it's a good idea to practice the language, coordination, group work and especially what is Halloween and all the machinery is put in place so that in the schools the multimedia content, the majority in English, that exists on the Internet is used a lot.

The image that illustrates the article could be the real scenario in which the Spooky Spooky song takes place. And of course on a Halloween night it would surely cause more than a scare to anyone who passed in front of her awakening all the imagination. In addition the image is beautiful because it has a detail in the stars, with the constellation of Orion on the house, beautiful. And I think it takes away, fortunately, the gloomy tone.

Video: Its Halloween Night. Kids Songs & Halloween Music for Kids. Spooky Cartoons by Little Treehouse (July 2024).