Wrap the baby, do not immobilize it

Wrap the newborn baby to give him security and calm It is a habitual practice for centuries and in many cultures that reaches our days. Another thing would be to immobilize the baby, which can be detrimental to its development.

A recent study indicates that the technique that keeps the baby's legs stretched by restricting movement can alter the development of the hip joint. This immobilization does not seem to have health benefits, but it does carry a risk for the growth of the hips, immature in the newborn.

The report, entitled "Swaddling and hip dysplasia: an orthopedic perspective" ("Wrapping and hip dysplasia: an orthopedic point of view"has been published in the latest issue of" Archives of Disease in Childhood "and carried out by specialists from the University Hospital of Southampton, in Great Britain.

If we intend to control the crying, avoid colic or favor the baby's sleep, there may be other "solutions" that do not put the baby's development at risk. Nothing will happen if it is a few minutes, but ... What if the baby spends a good part of the day or night wrapped in this way, with arms tight on the hips and legs stretched?

So the hip is likely to suffer, because for the natural development of the hip joints to occur, the legs must be able to bend up and out at the hips.

Some time ago we talked about the technique of Tegmat, bandaging and immobilizing the baby, and we were already criticizing that immobilization that in a short time can remind the baby of the mother's womb. It is clear that this type of bandage is torture, and also be careful when wrapping the baby more widely.

I think the key is to find the midpoint between wrapping the baby and some freedom of movement, that has space to move the little legs or arms, even if you feel the warmth of a blanket. Let us also take into account the temperature: not sheltering them too much is important to avoid risks such as sudden death.

It is as if we put them in our arms: they feel safe, warm, calm, but not immobilized, and they can move their limbs or turn their hips at any given time. This way you have to wrap the baby, don't immobilize it. And if it is in arms, better, because it will always be more similar than being in the womb ...

Video: Safe Sleep Practices: How to correctly swaddle your baby (July 2024).