Week 26 of pregnancy: the baby learns to coordinate its movements

We are already in the week 26 of pregnancy, immersed in the sixth month of our review of pregnancy week by week. The baby clearly shows us his strength and activity through the kicks and we can even feel if he is startled or if he has hiccups.

And although it grows without pause, the baby can still move freely in the womb and has not adopted its final position. If everything is going well and you have not started them yet, it is time to consider doing the childbirth preparation classes and staying fit to face the great moment in which the baby will be born. This will help you minimize some of the inconvenience of this stage.

Changes in the baby in the 26th week of pregnancy

Baby in the 26th week of pregnancy It measures about 35 centimeters (from the crown to the buttocks about 23 centimeters) and weighs about 800 grams. As he still has space in the uterus to float and move, he is quite active and coordinates his movements better and better. On ultrasound, you can see him "pedaling" with his legs and pressing the uterine wall with his feet. The cuffs also have more strength and can catch the cord.

The mother clearly notices the movements of the baby in the womb, although he will have a few days more moved than others. It is often when the mother relaxes and remains still when the baby's movements are most noticeable (because she is more attentive and because the baby notices the stillness; with the movement she falls asleep more easily).

Although it is not very common, maybe the kicks will hurt in the ribs, in that case it is best to change position, lying on your side.

The baby this week is able to open and close your eyes, which can already react to the light (the warm light that comes from outside). The eyelids are complete and the eyes and layers of the retina are almost fully formed. At the moment, his eyes are blue, although after several months after birth this color may change.

And although his first sound will come at birth, the fetus already has the vocal cords ready. Fetal hiccups are very common at this stage, giving the feeling that the entire uterine structure is agitated. It has small fingernails, which will grow even more.

Changes in the mother in the 26th week of pregnancy

At this stage the uterus is already about five centimeters above the navel. The womb is about the size of a basketball, and the mother continues to gain weight, but with the right exercise, if there is no contraindication or risk for pregnancy, we will stay healthy.

However, it is common for certain heights to feel at this point. In week 26 and in the surrounding ones the ankles and feet may swell (benign edema), especially if it is hot, so walking to activate the circulation and continue drinking a lot of water will help us reduce the risk.

Other discomfort typical of this stage of pregnancy They are:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (because of the stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus). Weight gain also causes pressure and discomfort in the pelvic area.

  • Constipation and / or hemorrhoids due to the increase in blood volume that occurs in the area of ​​the uterus: do not forget a diet rich in fiber and hydration to prevent.

  • Stomach acidity and indigestion may become more acute as the gestation weeks progress.

  • Pain and numbness of the hands, which could indicate carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Leg cramps (fundamentally, but also possible in other areas) and back pain due to weight gain.

  • Varicose veins, nasal congestion and occasional nosebleeds due to increased blood pressure ...

If any of these discomforts prevent normal daily activities or extend over time, it is convenient consult our doctor. If we perform a routine consultation, the specialist will control the weight and blood pressure, the height and size of the uterus, the heartbeat of the fetus, and ask about all the symptoms explained, checking the good condition of the future mother and advising her on That is necessary.

Although we look very "big" and sometimes heavy, the baby is not ready to be born, so we wait a few more weeks to deal with these discomforts. However, hopefully not all the above mentioned symptoms will occur, only some of them, and they will surely be occasional. It is increasingly advisable to get enough rest to avoid many of these discomforts.

These are the main changes that occur in the mother and the baby during the 26th week of pregnancy. Do not stop following your pregnancy week by week, because soon we will talk about the 27th week of pregnancy.

Next week: 27th week of pregnancy

Video: Pregnancy Update. 26 Weeks (May 2024).