A pregnant woman is not a sick one ... but how thankful they give you the seat sometimes

A few weeks ago I went up in a funicular that gradually began to fill with people. I had settled in a seat, but seeing that a pregnant woman with three or four children came in I got up and gave her the seat.

It was with a simple gesture (among other things because we were in Norway and I don't know what language he spoke), to which she responded quite sharply with a "I'm not sick" (in English). I stayed a little standing and at the beginning there were two of the children who accompanied her who sat in my place.

This gave me what to think, since I recognize that his answer seemed inadequate to a gesture of kindness, simply a "No, thanks" could have been enough not to be so shocking.

And the case is that, of course, I know that a pregnant woman is not a sickIn fact, you can be healthier than ever during this stage (how we take care of ourselves ...). But I do know firsthand the inconvenience we may have, especially at the end of pregnancy. Don't we appreciate being able to be as comfortable as possible?

In that funicular there were all the conditions for anyone to want to sit, especially any tourist like those who crammed the cabin, tired of touring the city. A few minutes rest while the funicular starts and reaches its destination ...

But there she was, with her prominent belly, entering the funicular and rejecting a free seat for which more than one had fought. And rejecting it in not very good ways.

Well, rejecting it, up to a point, because soon, as the funicular did not start and every time it looked more like a subway car at rush hour, it was she who sat in the same place she had so coldly rejected before.

Deep down, I think I was glad. My gesture and embarrassment for his response had not been in vain, and look, it had probably made the journey more comfortable. Although maybe by now I was thinking how silly I was, to have a hard time worrying about others ... But let's not lose faith in others.

We are not sick, but we get tired and our balance changes

I remember in my pregnancies Some time they gave me the seat and I was grateful, the truth. And that I am one of those who think that pregnancy is not a disability, as I have said on other occasions, but I think it is not difficult to accept a gesture of kindness that can make us some more comfortable (even safer) moment. On the contrary, it is appreciated.

And is that we not only talk about comfort, but to avoid a risk. The risk of being tight among other people, without a good place to grab and at the mercy of the wagon movements, which is not that we go in a merry-go-round, but before any dry stop you never know ...

For something it will be that in most places buses, trains and meters reserve seats for pregnant women (and with young children, the elderly, and disabled: those people who will have more difficulties to stand).

Another thing is that others think that pregnant women can not walk twenty meters, or drive, or climb some steps, or make the purchase ... But let's recognize it, as the months progress, sometimes we get tired (uncomfortable nights also have to do) , our feet swell and everything hurts.

So, if we can use the preferred box in the supermarket to not queue, the better. If we have a reserved seat in the subway, better. And who does not want, do not use these small "privileges", of course.

In any case, the next time I meet a pregnant woman who thinks she should take my seat, I will get up discreetly without speaking to her and she will see if she occupies it ... Or maybe she will continue to offer her the seat before another takes it and hoping it will not be taken badly.

Photos | Sigfrid Lundberg and Marcus Winter on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Special parking is needed for pregnant women, Parking reserved for pregnant women in Milan

Video: They were PRO ABORTION until they were asked THIS! (July 2024).