Vitamins and minerals that should not be missing this summer in your diet

We have already said that we can successfully face the heat if we have a good diet, and we have also talked about how to achieve good hydration at this time of year, so, today we summarize the vitamins and minerals that you should not miss this summer in your diet to be healthy both inside and out.

The vitamins you need this summer

Exposure to the sun and higher temperatures can affect the skin in summer, therefore, to take care of it with the help of food we need enough of viatmine A and carotenes, as well as vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin E.

Vitamin A and carotenes will also take care of the health of our eyes and help us stay away from disease. We can incorporate this vitamin into the diet with the help of dark green vegetables or orange foods, such as papaya, carrot, squash, broccoli, spinach, chard, among others.

Also, the vitamin C It will strengthen our defenses, take care of our skin and the best, help us heal wounds if there are any. We can add it to our dishes with citrus fruits, red pepper, parsley, coriander or other fresh fruits and vegetables.

The Vitamin E that we find in vegetable oils, seeds or nuts can help us take care of our health both inside and out, as it has a strong antioxidant function and has been associated with a lower risk of asthma in babies at birth, while the folic acid It will take care of our cardiovascular function, avoid anemia and will promote the proper development of the neural tube in babies. We can consume it using dark green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and legumes.

The minerals that should not be missing from your table this summer

Among the minerals that will help us feel good during the summer and get away from health problems we find the sodium, which will help us retain fluids and achieve good hydration as well as prevent the frequent hypotension that occurs with heat.

While it is not necessary to add more salt to the diet, yes we can consume more fresh fruits and vegetables that have sodium by nature and stands out especially in vegetables such as celery, the chard, the spinachat artichoke, white asparagus, the carrot or beet.

We also need potassium to maintain a good level of water in our body and replenish sweat losses that can cause cramping or fatigue. We can add potassium to the diet with the help of vegetables such as potatoes, artichoke, peas, leafy vegetables, corn, beets or fruits such as banana, grapes, figs, custard apple or melon.

With these vitamins and minerals present in your diet during the summer, you will avoid the most common evils of pregnant women at this time of year. You will take care of your hydration, reinforce the defenses and keep a beautiful skin to be healthy inside and out.

Video: 8 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Low On Essential Vitamins (July 2024).