'The train, your train' is an educational book aimed at teenagers who sympathize with Rare Diseases

'The train, your train', is a book aimed at young people who have just entered adolescence; and also to people who, despite being adults, do not act with maturity.

Each chapter is an adventure that begins at the station of our being to end its journey where each of us has reached our personal fulfillment

It has been written by Gustavo Noya for the independent publishing house Palibrio. The author ensures that his stories are intended to help parents in the difficult task of educating. The book is published in Spanish and can be purchased through Amazon. It presents situations starring Catriel, which are explained in simple language, and make up the principle of 'a travel saga' that the writer intends to publish in the future.

The work is inspired by Noya's personal experiences 'getting on and off the train of life', and in his experiences as a father that he sees as his son grows day by day

In addition, this self-published book is solidary, since the author will allocate the benefits of sales, to help children with Rare Diseases, through FEDER.

I keep the message: 'the train of life passes only once, for the good ... and for the bad'.

You will find it for 2.95 euros in Kindle version, and 19.32 euros in paper (soft cover).

The Train, Your Train

Today in Amazon for € 19.32