Summer recipes to make with kids: homemade loin and cheese booklets

Today I want to show you how to prepare an excellent Summer recipe to make with the kids: some loin booklets with homemade cheese that they will like much more than the typical San Jacobos that sell frozen and in which they will also help us prepare them and they will have fun.

As I told you when we made the recipe for homemade chicken fingers, this recipe is very simple and worth the effort to prepare it for ourselves and not use the industrial or pre-cooked, since the quality difference with ours is impressive.

You can prepare this recipe using fillets of turkey or chicken breast, instead of pig tenderloin booklets and so you can vary with an equally great result. If instead of using pork loin you use only York ham and cheese, we will be before the classic "San Jacobo".

Ingredients for 8 booklets

  • 8 booklets of pork tenderloin, or 16 very thin fillets of tenderloin tape, 8 slices of melted cheese, 8 slices of cooked ham, 2 eggs, breadcrumbs

How to make loin and cheese booklets for children

For this recipe we have to ask our butcher to cut thin fillets of pork loin since we are going to fry them two by two and with the filling in between. We can order ready-made booklets or assemble them ourselves using two fillets for each.

In any case, our first task is to flatten the fillets, - and soften them in passing, - giving them some blows on the board with the help of a mallet or with the roller. The children will have a good time helping us to beat the meat.

Then, you can also put the filling in each booklet, which can be a slice of ham and cheese or if you prefer, you can use serrano ham. Remember that when children participate in the task of preparing food, then they eat it better. You just have to see how my niece left the plate in the photo that heads the post.

Once the filling is in, close the booklet and sprinkle it with salt on both sides. The next step is to breach them, passing each booklet of pork loin with cheese slightly for flour, then for beaten egg and then for breadcrumbs.

We fry the booklets in the fryer or in a pan with plenty of extra virgin olive oil and we take them out when they have a golden color. Once fried, drain the tenderloin with cheese on absorbent paper and serve with a little lettuce salad and three or four potatoes chips.

Processing time | 20 minutes Difficulty | Easy recipe


When you do this Summer recipe with the little ones, the loin and cheese booklets, remember that you can prepare more than necessary and freeze the booklets that are not going to be used and so you will have them made for another occasion, just to fry them.

Video: How To Make Frosty Canadian Pirate Milkshake A TGIF Drink - Recipe (July 2024).