The innocence of children: confuses a compress with a giant band aid and becomes viral

Childhood is a stage in which we must explain to children many things about life, while others, they learn by imitating what we do. But in both cases, there is a feature that is characteristic of children and that he gives us many moments full of tenderness: his innocence.

But as it fills us with beautiful moments, that same innocence can make us laugh many times, as a recent viral video has done, in which a child confuses a compress with a band aid.

Brody is Paige's younger brother, a girl who plays softball and whom the little boy admires a lot. When she attends her workouts, he has observed that sometimes she returns with a scrape or wound, so a bandage is placed.

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Her brother, trying to imitate her, wanted to put on a band aid like her sister, but When searching the bathroom she uses, she found something he thought was a "giant band aid": a compress. Paige has shared on his Twitter account the video that his mother made at the moment he discovers it, and in which we see that he asks Brody to explain why he carries that object placed on his arm:

so my brother went in my bathroom to get a band aid and i…

- paige 〽️ (@unholypaige) June 5, 2019

After hearing the explanation of the little one, who informs him that he has only borrowed one and shows him excited that this "shiver" manages to cover his entire arm, the mother replies: "I don't think that's a giant band aid", and just then, it seems that the child realizes the mistake he has made and disappears from the scene.

The video of his innocence, and the funny expression and escape after being told that in reality what he was carrying was not a giant band aid, it has gone viral by sharing more than 167,000 times and having more than 584,000 likes.

Of course, there were several comments that not only praised his admiration for his sister, but also noted how cute innocence is in children, and how sometimes, it ends up with a smile and teaches us to laugh with them about these little anecdotes of family life.

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