Parents have to instill oral hygiene habits in our children

The General Council of Dentists indicates that between 92% and 94% of the adult population has cavities and that it is a generalized pathology among those over 35 years. They are the results of the Oral Health Survey in Spain 2010 which emphasizes identifying that mouth care and good oral hygiene habits are acquired in childhood.

So that's why Dr. José Cordero, medical director of Nectar, Health in Positive He explains that good habits, which begin when they are young, include brushing your teeth three times a day always after each meal and especially before bedtime. Also that the brushing time should not be less than two minutes and that it must be done with vertical and dragged movements.

The doctor also recommends brushing the tongue, rinsing with mouthwash or oral elixir to avoid infections, in the case of children a mouthwash without alcohol and low concentration of fluoride is recommended. Finally, other rules that we have to remember periodically with the kids are, change the toothbrush every three months and use toothpaste with fluoride.

It is also recommended go to the dentist at least once a year to detect any problem early and treat it before it starts to cause pain. And it is that making a good diagnosis can be essential to reduce future expenses. Also, and to ensure that the cost of treatments is as small as possible, we recommend reviewing the broad offers of insurance companies as well as the services and coverage available.

The objective of all these recommendations is that children acquire certain habits that will benefit them in the future. Because poor care in childhood, especially after the departure of definitive teeth, can cause too many disorders in adulthood.

Video: Nutrition and Dental Health for Kids (July 2024).