Jewelry made with mom's breast milk: the last cry in the United States

There are many memories that parents stay from the childhood of our children because it is a relatively short period that goes, passes and never returns.

One of the most successful memories he is currently having in the United States is the breast milk souvenir, used for create jewelry, normally hanging, with different drawings and shapes, which are created in a personalized way from the mother's milk.

The promoter of these creations is a mother of three children who runs a shop in Rhode Island, from which she explains to the mothers that to make the jewelry she needs a sample of about two tablespoons of breast milk. The milk received is solidified in resin and then converted into pendants and bracelets.

The orders have been so many that in a way they are overwhelmed. Clients consider it a beautiful memory of a stage as special as motherhood (when children are young) and breastfeeding.

According to the creator, the process consists of plasticizing the milk and molding it in the shape of hearts, moons, stars and feet and small hands. These figures are then wrapped in a transparent resin that becomes part of the pendants and bracelets along with the name of the boy or girl.

The price ranges between approximately € 60 and € 100, the delivery time is about eight weeks and the way to get these pieces is through the etsy portal.

I confess that at first to see that they were hanging with breast milk threw me back a little, because I imagined that the milk could be you go to know who. However, upon discovering that they are hanging made with mom's breast milk, with figures as beautiful as the baby's little hands and with the child's name, the feeling changed and they seemed much nicer and charged with sentimental value, which is probably valued over the years and is probably more valued by children, for that of "this is the milk my mother gave me when I was a baby".