What do you do to get your children to eat more fruit and vegetables?

We have already commented on the importance of establishing habits aimed at making a correct nutritional contribution to the diet of our children. WHO recommends consuming five or more servings of fruits, vegetables and vegetables a day regularly.

These foods have an antioxidant activity, stimulate the immune system and they can exercise protection against diseases due to their antiviral and antimicrobial activity. I think all this we already know, although occasionally reminders don't hurt. We are also aware that they provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and sugar for energy. But what we also agree is that many times it is not easy for children to accept these foodsApparently our interest in healthy eating is not reciprocated by an attraction of the little ones towards fruits and vegetables.

The theory does not apply to practice. The emergence of new diet models has an upward trend and displaces the traditional consumption of fresh fruits, vegetables and vegetables, which is a food imbalance, with special impact on children

In this old post, Patch warned that only one in five children ate enough fruits and vegetables, there are currently studies whose results are even more hopeless (another day we'll talk about it). The kids have sensitivity to the bitter taste of glucosinolates in vegetables, it could negatively influence consumption, with fruits it is different, but if we do not put them at your fingertips and we do not set an example, we can advance.

Since the intake of these foods decreases with age, we can think that it is better to lay the foundation before adolescence. It is our possibility to intervene in their future feeding, since the habits and preferences that are established in childhood seem to be predictive for consumption levels at maturity.

What to do to eat more fruits and vegetables at home?

  • If you want to increase the taste for new and different foods, include them in the diet and ensure their presence in the kitchen. And also be very patient when you refuse food (don't get obsessed if you don't like carrots, tomatoes or peas, think of other vegetables that you accept - peppers, lettuce - and relax).

  • Set an exampleHow are they going to eat apple for dessert if you prefer to eat a piece of cake?

  • Give them fruit snack two or three days a week: it is also a food and has many benefits. Give up for you and your children sugary or stuffed buns, and packaged smoothies or juices.

  • Sharing the table with children influences a greater interest in fruits and vegetables, we had already told it on another occasion.

  • Explain why fruits and vegetables are good for your health.

  • Help them to be responsible: Involve them in the weekly purchase, menu planning and meal preparation. Let them choose what they want for lunch or dinner one day a week (you can put them as a condition that they are not worth 'food' that only provide empty calories, or unhealthy).

Children don't just eat at home

Thinking about the time they spend in school, we should inform ourselves about the projects that are carried out to encourage the intake of fruits and / or vegetables. Do you propose fruit for breakfast one day a week? Do you include enough servings of vegetables in the school canteen?

The answer is no, so can we do something to change it?… Talk to the AMPA direct representative on the School Board, with the tutors, with the principal, with the manager of the company that cooks at the school.

You can also suggest to the children a cooking workshop organized in the community center, or visit a horticulturist that you know to teach you how vegetables grow. These experiences that are based on direct knowledge can help to achieve greater acceptance..

What do we expect? The problem of obesity in developed countries is important enough to address the need for a healthy and balanced diet, this includes fruits. And let's not neglect physical exercise either.

Images | USDAgov, North Charleston Source | LIGHTS In Peques and More | Our tricks to present fruits and vegetables in a more attractive way

Video: Get Your Child to Eat Fruits & VeggiesNemours Answers to Grow On (July 2024).