A vision of how the education of children can be in the year 2111

The video that can be seen below, is a production of the year 2012, extracted from the program Discovery Science, try to predict what education will be like in 2111 by presenting the educational models of South Korea, strongly based on technology, and those of Finland, with great focus on the pedagogy provided by the teacher who acts as an educator and guide for children in your training process. In the ten minutes that the video lasts appear statements by Martín Varsavsky who has also appeared previously in Peques and Más for his vision, among others, of what should be the subjects that should be taught in high school.

I think that in less than a year that has passed since the publication of the video we are closer to achieving that scenario that is predicted as futuristic. And is that at the speed that technology develops, it is implanted in schools and absorbed by children, it can be said that learning with techniques and tools that rely on the Internet is already possible.

I'm more interested in Finnish model that emphasizes collaboration, in cooperative development and that puts the teacher as knowledge transmission and student training center holding him responsible for his education. And in Finland the teachers have a high level of training with a great competence in pedagogical techniques and with authority recognized for their experience and knowledge.

Video: Riverside YouTube Version (July 2024).