Bugaboo's next buggy: Bugaboo Buffalo SUV

Bugaboo has just presented its new bet for 2013, Bugaboo Buffalo SUV, a versatile stroller for both the city and the most difficult roads.

At first glance we see it very similar to the Camaleon, but with larger wheels and a more robust appearance, ideal for those who want an urban-looking stroller but with all-terrain features.

What we know about this new model is that it incorporates a carrycot version for newborn babies and a high and wide chair for children up to 23 kilos of weight with an extendable hood for added protection.

It folds into one piece, that is, you don't have to remove the chair, and it has more space to store things than previous models. It has a lower basket in which you can carry up to 10 kg of weight and hooks on the handlebars on which you can hang shopping bags, for example, and supports up to 6 kilos.

We will know more in depth Bugaboo's next buggy, but the first impression is that of a robust and versatile cart. We will have to see it face to face to have a better idea of ​​the maneuverability and dimensions.

In Spain it will be available in autumn 2013, so we will have to wait a few months. Its price, 1039 euros.