Watching too much television can reduce male fertility

Spending a lot of time watching television decreases the chances of having children and not only because less time is spent on sexual intercourse. Specific, for men watching too much television can mean a reduction in their fertility, according to a recent study.

It has been proven that the fact of staying more than 20 hours a week in front of the TV screen is linked to a low sperm count, according to research from Harvard University (United States) that has published in its latest issue the "British Journal of Sports Medicine" magazine.

The study has been carried out in young people between 18 and 22 through questionnaires about physical activity (hours per week of moderate and vigorous exercise) and time to watch television (hours per week of television, video or DVD) in the last three months.

Semen quality was assessed by observing sperm concentration, motility, morphology and total sperm count.

The results showed that the concentration of reproductive cells is lower in the semen of those who tend to lead a sedentary life. On the contrary, physically active subjects, who practice 15 or more hours of intense exercise a week, for example playing football or basketball, have 73% more sperm count.

After seeing these results I wonder if they would not give the same conclusions the data of men who lead a sedentary life, even if they don't watch TV. That is, they spend a lot of time sitting (at work, reading ...) and do not do any sports. Would there also be less fertility? Presumably, yes.

And more if we see that among the hypotheses that try to explain that watching television reduces sperm production are that too many hours on the couch increase the temperature in the scrotum, and sperm need lower temperatures to form properly. The same as if we spent many hours sitting without a TV in front, or with the laptop on our legs.

In any case, we remember that among the tips to improve semen quality is the practice of some physical activity. Spending too much time standing in front of the screens can reduce male fertility, and remedy it is easy.

Video: Improving Fertility in Men with Poor Sperm Count. UCLA Urology - #UCLAMDChat Webinar (July 2024).