"When I grow up I want to be youtuber or influencer", the professions that slip into the preferences of Spanish children

"What do you want to do for a living when you grow up?". Often, children hear this question from the mouths of adults, and their answers are usually the most varied. Doctors, professors, astronomers, soccer players, cooks ... and of course, youtubers too!

And is that judging by the data of a survey conducted by Lingokids to children between two and eight years, parents should start getting used to our children tell us they want to be youtubers or influencers, because they are professions that are stomping among children and adolescents.

The professions preferred by children

The English language learning platform, Lingokids, has made a survey of 400 families with children between two and eight years of age, where the question has been asked: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

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Among the 14 proposals offered, children were choosing the three options that most caught their attention, obtaining traditional and more innovative responses:

  • 26% replied that they wanted being an athlete, influenced by the great figures of our current panorama, such as tennis players, soccer players, pilots ...

  • 22% replied that they wanted be a cop, and this profession always ends up capturing the attention of the little ones.

  • 18% opted for artistic activities, as an actor, musician, singer, dancer, painter ... It is not surprising this answer, because at these ages children are potential artistic geniuses with a great capacity to create and imagine.

  • 16% of children chose what they wanted be youtuber, probably moved by the influencer they see on social networks and YouTube channels starring children of the same age.

Why do children want to be youtubers?

Although a survey published long ago by Adecco yielded similar results, the response of the children regarding the youtuber profession is curious.

Before this we ask ourselves, What leads you to choose this option among other proposals?

According to Lingokids, everything is due to children's access to ICTs from an early age. Not surprisingly, the company analyzed that 64% of Spanish children between two and eight years old have their own tablet or smartphone, and more than half use it daily.

Among the multiple contents that our children watch on the Internet, the channels or videos starring children influencers stand out, who show their toys, their clothes, their hairstyles, their favorite video games, pieces of their daily family life ... loyal community of spectators.

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Therefore, it is not uncommon for children to want to imitate them, without really being aware of what it means to be youtuber and the dangers that can lead to their Internet exposure without any control.

Our children are digital natives born under the influence of new technologies, and it is impossible to fight against it. For children, being a youtuber or influencer is another profession, and that is why parents should educate them since they are little in the correct use of ICT, providing them with the knowledge and measures necessary for new technologies to become educational tools from which to get match.

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