Have you checked if your home is toxic free?

It is necessary that periodically let's check the presence of sources of poisoning at home, especially when there are children. In this post we saw that the poisonings are in penultimate place in terms of causes of childhood accidents at home, and that the most vulnerable groups are babies and pre-adolescents from 10 to 14 years old, but we must not neglect this very important aspect of prevention

The indications we can give to children are never enough, so any recommendation we find in this regard will be useful. A year ago we knew that one in two families acts improperly after the intake of caustic products by their children, so Together with prevention, good training is necessary to deal with unexpected situations. But let's not start the house on the roof: Dr. Camilo Uribe Granja, is the head of the toxicology service of the Children's University Hospital of San José (Bogotá / Colombia), and advises us:

  • Check the state of the food, and take into account the expiration dates. The recommendation to refrigerate them when necessary is also repeated. These steps help avoid food poisoning.

  • Cleaning products should not be stored in food and beverage containers, as this can confuse children. Nor will they be left within the reach of children (regardless of packaging), since curiosity can lead them to try. Believe me if I tell you that even when they stop being babies, the risk of poisoning persists if cleaners or medications are left in accessible places.

Never mix hydrochloric acid with sodium hypochlorite, nor the latter with ammonia, a dangerous chemical reaction with concentrations of chlorine vapors would result.
  • Once a year they should check home natural gas facilities, since leaks in networks, stoves or heaters produce toxic (sometimes lethal) concentrations of carbon monoxide. In case of detecting a fault in the system, the place must be evacuated, ventilated and notified to the emergency service, as well as to the supplier company.

  • Medications must be kept locked and will always be administered by adults. They should not remain on bedside tables (not in the adult's room), countertops or bathroom shelves. It is not worth fighting the child who wanted to use a tablet as a doll's food: if it was within reach, we are responsible for taking it.

It is also advisable to maintain an open dialogue from pre-adolescence, to inform about the risks of using drugs (including alcohol and tobacco)

In case the toxic accident occurs, do not induce vomiting or administer any drink or food to the victim. Go immediately to the emergency department closest to the place of residence or call the Toxicology and Emergency Information Service

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