Guide to read newspapers at home with children

It is Sunday and some areas of our geography may still receive abundant rains, they announced that autumn would be very hard if the drought persisted, and we have gone from wishing the water to look dumbfounded at the consequences it has caused in homes, roads, and lives

But on Sundays they also mean home life, share experiences, discover new places and read together. What do you read at home with the children? Are you one of those who buy the Sunday newspaper with a children's supplement ?.

We know that the written press is no longer valued in the face of the rise of audiovisual and digital content, but calm reading of newspapers and magazines gives us many advantages to all, and above all we can use it as an educational instrument with the kids. Newspapers can help us in the process of reading writing for the little ones, so that older children acquire critical opinions, but above all to enjoy reading, and have fun together.

Children and young people were born in a time of convergence of traditional mass media with new technological means. This results in occasions that assume information, knowledge or life values ​​in an uncritical way, making 'his' a vision of the world that clashes with that of the family and schoolThis happens because they have concrete thinking (until adolescence) and the desire to satisfy the desires with the immediacy of the moment. On the other hand we cannot keep the little ones away from the new forms of information and communication.

We are not going to deny that reading the press written on paper gives us a peace of mind that is sometimes lacking when we avidly search for news on the Internet, coming to believe and discard the same information in a matter of minutes

I want to present a Guide that is part of the Mediascopio Publications (of the Ministry of Education), and It aims to sensitize families about the importance of reading the press in the family environment as a means for our sons and daughters to develop their cognitive abilities, strengthen a critical spirit based on ethical reflection on current affairs and access media literacy. It's called 'Read newspapers at home: guide for families'.

In addition to the Educastur link, you can buy it at the electronic headquarters of the Ministry of Education.

The first part reflects on what the press and its family reading can contribute to the education of sons and daughters. In the second one, parents are offered a series of basic information about the printed media and in the third one they suggest simple activities that fathers and mothers can do with the youngest ones in order to share with the school the exciting educational task

The Mediascopio Project was launched a few years ago, through the Teacher Training Institute, Educational Research and Innovation (IFIIE), and It is aimed at all members of the school community: students, teachers and families.

Images | ralphhogaboom, Ministry of Education Via | FAPA Castelló Penyagolosa Source | Educastur, Ministry of Education On Peques and More | The evolution of the children's press. Situation in the 21st century, Reading habits in Spanish children and the role of the family in approaching books

Video: Creating a News Report (July 2024).