Who is happy to go back to school?

These days I have seen this photograph circulating online that I share with you with the intention of giving a touch of humor around the school. An image that shows the reality of many mothers and fathers, those who think that children have too many vacations, although others do not feel identified at all.

I will not say that I am glad that my daughters enter school, in fact their return to the classroom means my return to work, so that for me I would be on vacation with them a couple of months more (or a sabbatical year ...). In addition, the little girl is the first time she goes to school, with which there is a sense of change of stage and of “how fast they grow” that makes me sad…

Quite the opposite of the mother of photography, come on. I still think that many parents have a worse time than their children when they enter school, has it happened to you? Many children go sad like the ones in the picture, but others they are happy and excited.

Summer is over and surely the kids have had a great time on their vacations, although many parents have to make bobbin lace so that they are taken care of because they work. On the other hand, for children to return to school can be an illusion to be reunited with classmates, with teachers ...

And, regarding parents, who has not ever heard "What do I want to start school". I think anyone could "escape" that statement, even if they do not jump for joy with the start of the course.

In my opinion, rejoice because the children go back to school It does not mean that children are less loved, nor that they are a worse father, they would simply have to put themselves in their shoes to see how that summer has gone and surely they will also miss the little ones when they have returned to the classroom ...