Learning together the fourth month: gym piano pataditas

The baby is already at home and little by little we will verify that everything imagined and dreamed for nine months is pecata minuta compared to what we are living. The first months the caresses, the love, our kisses and voice will be the best of your toys but we will also want to make your moments the most funny and exciting.

Is that possible? It is andwithout leaving your room!

Game, teacher!

It's the baby's first months and her back, her little head and her movements are very limited, but not her capacity for fun and learning! What he sees, hears touches and tastes leaves a mark on his brain, all sensations generate exchange connections between neurons that will allow him to remember experiences, relate them and elaborate thoughts.

Tachán, tachán! It also begins its love for the music, the melodies and the sounds that will be as surprising as the most elaborate circus show. At the end of the quarter the magic of contemplating bright colors and seeing with greater clarity it will also open before your eyes, it will already attract people's faces and distinguish your parents perfectly. Let's play with him, help him to dream, to see the world in a thousand colors and to recognize and experience how harmonious life can be that awaits him and in which the notes can be played by himself. Can there be a better experience?

Baby in the gym

Maybe laziness, years or work routine have taken us away from the sweet honeys that are achieved in the gym but our baby can try them for the first time and become an Olympic athlete in the specialty of fun and learning.

How I would have liked to meet the gym piano kicks! His moments in the cradle with the roof as unique and monotonous vision would have become a carousel of joy and surprises: the baby can touch the gym giving kicks and has 3 options different game according to the growth of the child: lying down face up you can kick the piano keys while watching the bow toys, lying upside down the bow can lean to the floor so that the baby looks in a large mirror and with the happy passing of the months, when he already plays seated, the baby can play the piano with his hands surrounded by bow toys.

Who knows if we will be developing the musical personality of the next Amadeus Mozart but what we do know is that his world will be more melodic, his funniest moments and his ability to learn will be his favorite score from especially the fourth month.

In Happy Learning | We learn together the third month: blanket of fun activities