Iran aims to legalize the marriage of girls under 10 years old

According to data from the Association for the Defense of the Rights of the Iranian Child, The number of girls under 10 who were forced to marry in that country during 2011 was 716. These statements were communicated a few months ago by a member of the entity called Farshid Yazdani.

It seems that the Iranian Parliament has recently declared that it considers the law prohibiting the marriage of young girls (less than 10 years old) anti-Islamic and illegal. I can understand then that these unions (I do not call them 'commercial transactions' although you win are not lacking) are being carried out outside the law. I have to say that many times the little ones are married to adult males.

It is curious to observe how cultural, religious and word use differences cause those who in Spain (and other countries) would be seen as pedophiles, are men willing to marry pre teenagers supposedly following the teachings of the Islamic prophet (who agreed to marry Aisha when she was only six years old). If we have sometimes spoken in Peques and Más about child pornography or about child abuse in Western countries, I think it is necessary to make known these other realities that also undermine the rights of minors.

It seems that Saudi Arabia has already given its approval to consent to marriages with children under 10 years old. These exchanges involve adults (parents and future husband) who trade with the lives of children whose minds are not prepared for this situation, and whose bodies are not biologically willing to have sex, get pregnant and give birth. It is important to realize that obviously the girl is not involved in the decision.

Before the Islamic Revolution, the age considered as suitable for marriage for women was 16 years old, if the change that is intended is that a pre-pubertal girl can legally marry, I would call her 'in (and not re) volution'. I dont know if is a matter of opinions, of way of life, or simply of rejecting everything that could prevent an adequate development in childhood.