Silver Spoon, silver antimicrobial spoon for babies

You may not associate silverware with babies because today they have fallen into disuse, they have been replaced with more flexible and lighter plastic or resin cutlery, but one of the latest developments in periculture is Silver Spoon, a silver antimicrobial spoon for babies.

They say that silver is a metal with a potent antimicrobial effect by nature and it has even been shown there by the 18th century that babies fed with silver spoons were healthier than those fed with spoons of other metals.

Silver spoon It contains silver ions, making it a safe baby tool that protects you from germs without using germicides or sterilizers.

They seem to look great, it is very aesthetic and also safe, but I would need to have one in my hands to check the weight and if the shape of the spoon is suitable for the baby's hand and mouth.

The spoon is a very important tool for feeding children because it is the first one they use and because of the confidence that a manageable and anatomical spoon gives it.