More ideas for children to eat vegetables

We offer you now more ideas for children to eat vegetables Although they don't like them. The more viscous or too crunchy preparations can wait, it is not necessary to insist that they eat everything in every possible way.

One of the biggest problems children have with vegetables is their texture, and to get those children to incorporate them into their diet, the best strategy is to get used to their taste and eat them, since it is not convenient to make food a We can't even stop giving them these important foods.

Creams and purees

The first possibility is the creams, soups and purees With vegetables as a first course. We can alternate infinite variations.

If we talk about creams, zucchini or squash, peas and leek are very appetizing. To make them like it better we can add cooked potato that softens its flavor, bechamel or a little cream. In addition, if we put bread crusts, ham or grated cheese on top of them, they are sure to be very appealing.

Broths and soups

Broths and soup are other preparations in which vegetables can be hidden. Let's make a soup with many vegetables for the usual soup (which we can then use for purees or eat them in pieces if the child does not want them).

Onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, green beans, leek, celery, turnip and parsnips can be put in the vegetable stock. Then, at the time of putting the noodles or the rice to cook, we can beat some vegetables with the broth, few at the beginning so that it remains very soft.

Once they have accepted the beaten vegetables in the calgo we can offer them a very chopped julienne, mixing the vegetables with the noodles garnished at the beginning with something that excites them (serrano ham, chicken pieces, chopped egg).

The rescued croquettes and dumplings

Let's start from the basis that croquettes and industrial dumplings would be better not to put on the table. Better not try them or do it when they have become accustomed to homemade dishes.

The croquettes that we usually make with ham, tuna or meat can also carry vegetables as a complement or as a single filling. The sooner we start putting them in these dishes, the better.

The fried onion is essential, but carrots, lombards, peas or spinach will also look great, although at the beginning, if the child has problems with the textures, we will have to chop them a lot.

The stuffing of the empanadillas will also be able to carry, in addition to the onion and garlic, many vegetables: mushrooms, mushrooms, squash, tomatoes, zucchini or eggplant. We can make them only from vegetables or add meat, chicken, tuna, cooked egg or cheese. If we do not know how to make the dough we can use the one that is already prepared and, if we want to make them softer, put them in the oven painted with a little egg.

Chinese rolls

Do your children like them? chinese rolls? Then go ahead, do not fear that you will not do well at home. Wafers of rice flour are sold although you can also make them with the same ones that are marketed for the empanadillas. I use the latter, because the first ones, although they are delicious and light, are very delicate.

I put carrot, onion, garlic and cabbage very chopped and previously passed through the pan a minute. You can put meat, chicken or ham in it too. Although the flavor is more authentic with sunflower oil I use olive and they are also very tasty.


The vegetable burgers They are one of the dishes in which vegetables can be more simply incorporated and the possibilities are almost endless. The basic idea is to make a dough that can be fried. If we have a child with texture problems, raw vegetables will be chopped in one-two-three until they are reduced to a puree. We can add raw soaked legumes also to make it denser.

Then, to that puree, egg and flour are added until the appropriate texture is achieved. Sometimes you have to leave the dough in the fridge for a while to make it harder to make the burgers or we can spoon it into the pan, but with a little care we can make them in the same way as usual meat.

To flavor them, it is good to add chopped onion, garlic, or use powdered seasonings. The truth is that I have not met any children who resist this dish.

Pate and sauces

Prepare dense sauces or pâtés in which children can wet colines, bread sticks or spread them on toasts is another formula for them to eat vegetables without resisting texture. The secret is that the pasta is left without lumps and dense, very tasty. We can make them from chickpeas, lentils or cooked beans, peas or mushrooms with a little cornstarch, beaten raw tomato mixed with cooked egg yolk, cucumber with yogurt and even carrots, beets or squash. And of course, with avocados. A dish of appetizing vegetables that nobody resists is this.

Vegetable drink

I already proposed to make fruit juices to children, but we can also give them vegetable juices, which are delicious. We can use the blender or beat them, offering them well fresh mixed with their favorite fruits.

The carrot, for example, is perfectly twinned with orange or mango. Celery (in a small amount because it is very aromatic), lettuce, cucumber and tomato are other varieties of vegetables that, alone or mixed, give very good results. Important, yes, beat well and strain if necessary, so that there are no fibers left to find when they drink.

I hope you are ideas help you, if the previous ones fail, so that your children eat all the vegetables they need, even if they have problems with the texture.

Video: How to eat vegetables without noticing (July 2024).