Avoid the risks associated with circulation in cities with our own example

We are not few who think that the cities are not made for children, at least in terms of mobility possibilities: not infrequently we suffer the consequences of heavy traffic, invasion by cars of spaces that should be intended for pedestrians, and (of course) the avoidance of associated risks, that many times turn walks into stressful situations trying not to endanger children.

The physical and psychological limitations that turn children into risky pedestrians are overcome with growth. Between seven and nine years of age they are able to learn, remember and execute the pedestrian safety rules with some efficiencyHowever, it would be difficult to reach this point without the guidance of parents and teachers. Recall at this point that the age group between the ages of five and nine are the most vulnerable to traffic accidents.

According to the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, children are not adults in small, possessing their own and differentiating characteristics.

In addition to talking about the risks, we will also take into account that cities have become hostile, insecure and insane places, especially for children. The children are walking less and less, and go to school by car or transport, when before they had the possibility of walking. This threatens their physical health, since it contributes significantly to sedentary lifestyle and obesity, it takes away their right to play outside and share public space.

What characteristics differentiate children from adults as pedestrians?

Children are not adults in small, and it is important to remember own characteristics: they do not understand the language or road symbology, they have a hard time distinguishing right from left. Nor are they able to pay attention to the multiple stimuli of the traffic: cross the demarcated lines, look at the traffic light accordingly, calculate the speed, listen and interpret the traffic noises, and calculate how fast to cross the street.

On the other hand they tend to magical thinking: they have no idea of ​​danger and death and often imitate fictional superheroes. They are agile, restless, fast, and often move unpredictably, they go in search of the ball that went to the street to mention a very frequent example

Recommendations to families and teachers to exercise as responsible guides for children:

  • Children under the age of seven must be accompanied, and especially those under the age of 4 must be held by the hand.

  • Children tend to imitate adultsThat is why it is important to educate by example.

  • When you cannot walk on the sidewalk for repairs, construction sites and poorly parked vehicles, you should not hesitate to go back to the corner and cross the pedestrian path, using the opposite sidewalk.

  • In relation to the exit of vehicles, most of the car parks with public parking spaces have light signals; The problem occurs in the garages of private houses that lack (many times) of them, so we will be attentive to this circumstance. And we will also educate children to notice other obvious signals (automatic gate movement or sound of cars coming out).

  • He crossing the streets It must be done by zebra steps. If there are traffic lights you must follow their directions and if a place has walkways we will not hesitate to use them.

When crossing the street with a baby in your arms or in a stroller, and another child holding hands, we must be focused and have a good physical ability to face possible emergencies. Therefore, this particular task should not be performed by the elderly or adolescents. Nor should the stroller be lowered to the street until the passage is enabled.

  • In rural or semi-rural areas we are forced, by the lack of paths, to walk on the pavement, which is far from ideal.

If there is no other possibility, the circulation in these circumstances should always be done in the opposite direction to traffic and day, which will allow you to see any vehicle in advance. When a vehicle is approaching, adults should be placed with children at the edge of the street or road, and even if possible outside it.

  • The use of headphones for walking or running decreases the perception of any sound signal and contributes to deconcentration. Its use should be limited to parks, squares or walks.

It is very important to rethink a new citizen culture, most respectful of all the inhabitants, and most especially of the most vulnerable: democratize traffic, do it for everyone, recover the right to walk on foot, think about pedestrians and protect them, limit the use of automotive transport in certain areas, and enhance public space for citizens on foot (injury prevention subcommittee, Argentine Society of Pediatrics)

Video: Cars vs Cities: How can TRAFFIC be RESTRICTED? - VisualPolitik EN (July 2024).