How does postpartum depression affect the mother's environment?

When we talk about postpartum depression, we should not ignore the relatives of the woman who suffers from it, but How does postpartum depression affect the mother's environment?

For family members, couples and children it is very painful to see their loved one suffer in a situation that is also not understood. To this is added the impotence of not knowing how to help and the culpability For not doing the right thing.

For this reason, in addition to the intervention with women, it is advisable to devote space and time to talk with family members and inform them about the disorder, its course and treatment.

Knowing what depression or postpartum psychosis can help the environment understand why a mother has these behaviors with her child. In addition, having information gives a sense of control and if guidelines are obtained about the care of the mother and the steps to follow in the day to day will reduce uncertainty and the feeling of helplessness.

What should family and friends know?

The best way to help in this situation is transmitting support, love and empathy. It is important be open to dialogue, infuse mood and above all, respect the rhythm that the woman is marking or, where appropriate, the professional who attends her.

Normally, what goes out by instinct is to try to encourage someone who is depressed, and one way to do it is to try to distract him, look for fun activities or argue logical reasons to feel good, which in this situation is counterproductive, because the woman can feel little understood, pressured and guilty for feeling this way, increasing his discomfort.

We must not forget that the depressed woman does not see reality like others and that she does not choose to feel that way.

Family and friends can also contribute helping mother in the care of the newborn and with other daily tasks. Over time, the woman will gradually incorporate new responsibilities.

What should children know?

First of all you have to take into account the child's age and, depending on this, adapt information and language to its evolutionary level. Lying to him and telling him that nothing is wrong with Mom is harmful, because he will look for the answer in his fantasies and may even think that it is his fault.

Research has shown that children have a great capacity for emotional adaptation. It is also good that they continue their habits as much as possible and that adults are receptive to any questions they may have, responding with love and patience.

How does it affect the newborn?

The fear that the baby has sequels after this experience is one of the main fears of family members and the mother herself.

Studies show that the Untreated postpartum depression can have cognitive and emotional consequences in the newborn in the short and long term, such as psychomotor, learning or sociability problems.

Therefore, the need for prevention and to know the main symptoms to start a psychological treatment as soon as possible becomes evident.

Photos | Pink Sherbet Photography, Javier Moreno !, on Flickr. In Babies and More | Babies sleep worse if their mothers are depressed. Postpartum depression raises the risk of diarrhea in the baby.