Controversy in the new H&M campaign for the extreme thinness of a model

Every year thousands of children and adolescents suffer from eating disorders, problems with weight or body image, specifically it is said that they suffer 2 out of 100 and is that our society emphasizes the thinness as the first criterion of beauty. Although to be fair, we must also say that every day you are more aware of this type of disorder and this has happened, this time in London with the last campaign of the Swedish firm H&M.

And it is that the controversy that began in England has already spread to the whole world via the Internet and has its origin in the new campaign of the H&M signature which includes the image of a young woman of almost cadaverous appearance. Apparently the new collection of this company, with successful sales among teenagers, has recovered the unhealthy weakness of the models.

The photos of the model Aymeline Valade They have rekindled a controversy that never left the fashion world. He has been accused H&M to promote eating disorders by promoting this type of aesthetic canons. British newspaper Daily Mail reports that some voices have given the alarm due not only to the extreme thinness of the model, but also by the choice of a style and makeup that accentuates that pale face, with sunken cheeks and dark circles.

The low cost fashion company has defended itself through a statement alleging that H&M has an advertising policy in which they strongly distance themselves from alcohol and drug abuse, as well as from models that do not reach the minimum stipulated weight. On the other hand, the company affirms that it is deplorable that some of its clients interpret the images of the campaign of Marni (Italian firm with which he has collaborated) to H&M as unethical and that they believe that their models are below the stipulated weight and that they will take these comments into account for future campaigns of the firm.

What seems clear is that to sell in the fashion world everything goes and as we have commented on eating disorders of children and adolescents such as anorexia and bulimia unfortunately are increasing every day.

Video: The Ideogram Controversy in Remote Viewing with Paul H. Smith (July 2024).